You really have a coherence problem. You're the one who said "false accusations," so i guess you're admitting that you can't prove it. An unexpected and refreshing candor on your part. Apparently, you are willing to embarrass yourself without let.
Able 2 Know has not been around for decades, just over ten years, as it happens. I know about the "My friends" tab, i'm simply pointing out your hypocrisy, because you definitely aren't my friend. You only use the function to follow me around in the hope of stumbling onto something you can cavil about in what i post. I don't use the function because i don't stalk people, and i come here idly when i have free moments--so "New Posts" fulfills my needs quite adequately.
It ia highly amusing that you appear to be unable to see anything other than your own ideas of what is good and useful. I accept that other people likely will do things to suit their needs, and even things that i would never do. I also accept that other people will think differently than me, and that other people may have a low opinion of me. Of course, i have no use for the opinions of anyone who thinks ill of me, but i know it's there. Here, i'll repeat this in brief for you, because you are badly in need of an intellectual mirror:
O wad some Pow'r the giftie gie us
To see oursels as ithers see us!