hawkeye10 wrote:
why dont you talk about your implication that the state should try to save lives at any costs, to include individual freedom? how about talking about what is clearly your assumption that all good people will agree with your value judgement here?
Well, I would substitute "good people" with the words "people educated by liberal standards."
Your concern about "individual freedom" might be a bit archaic. That's why "spare the rod and spoil the child" is not an accepted concept in all locales, and many a social worker has to discern whether there is child abuse by an over zealous parent. Perhaps, you are voicing your locale's popular culture concept of what is our right (aka, our rights/freedoms). However, out east those rights/freedoms have changed over the last century.
This being a big country, 3,000 miles wide, and is not one homogeneous culture. So, you can continue to have your beliefs/positions; however, you should accept that they are your subjective beliefs/positions, and not objective ones, even if history proves your beliefs/positions were valid for a prior era.
I do not mind if you are alienated from my beliefs/positions, but please realize that they are my subjective beliefs/positions, and not objective; nor in this thread are your beliefs/positions objective truths, in my opinion. I can live with that, just like I can live with the fact that many in your locale might live in a culture that believes that the only major religious holiday in December is Christmas. We all don't live in the same world, in place and time.
However, the changing laws relating to DUI might show where the culture is evolving. Your thinking or mine?