Ceili wrote:
Striking is a used when something seems at odds, yet alike.
Unlikely, like a jail guard with a sense of humour, or a ballerina with a sick sense of humour.
Say if you're neighbour bears a striking resemblance to Vladamir Putin.
So in the case above, creationists and scientists like Hawking are seen as unlikely compadres.
It is very odd that I've got a hard time reading this reply of yours, Ceili.
Your answers always give me the impression of being clear and easy to read, except this one.
"a used"? is "a" a typo here?
"at odds, yet alike" mean "(seems) quite different, but actually much alike"?
A jail guard is usually poor in the sense of humour, while a ballerina (well, I don't know whether a ballerina should have a good sense humor).
"a striking resemblance" is very familiar to me, easy to grasp, but not for the one in the OP.
creationists and scientists like Hawking are seen as unlikely compadres? Yes, but there are on creationists in the OP.