Are all Republicans Idiots?

Debra Law
Mon 5 Dec, 2016 04:55 pm
Angelgz2 wrote:

If you know better but are still in the dispenser category, then you're a minion in the proverbial devil's army. In other words, your chosen name is false. You're not in league with any angels: quite the opposite. You're engaged in the Orwellian strategy and divide and conquer techniques used by those in power to retain their power.

See that's the thing I have against liberals. You insinuated that I am stupid, and you insinuated that I somehow want an Orwellian society. However, you provided no argument against my views, or why it is wrong. Just by saying "won't argue with stupid people" doesn't make you right. Doesn't make you appear smarter, and "putting him on ignore" isn't going to prove me wrong either.

At least liberals from when I was in college would at least be willing to see the point of view from others and offer a solution to an apparent contradiction. Liberals today will only do exactly what you did: Offer no counter argument, taking other's view point to the extreme, and have no respect for other people's opinions. THAT IS WHY THIS COUNTRY IS SO DIVISIVE TODAY. Liberals and conservatives can't work together, can't have a reasonable debate, and it's all just name calling and eventually lead to one party ignoring the other. EXACTLY WHAT'S HAPPENING WITH THE ILLINOIS GOVERNMENT with this long budget standoff. Honestly I don't give a **** what passes -- anything beats NOT HAVING A BUDGET.

Why must the person own what he produces? So if I am on the assembly line of a Lamborghini, then I must earn a wage to afford it? If that's not Marxism, what is? What I said is NOTHING Orwellian.

You spew Orwellian talking points and announce your loathing of liberals. According to you there are only two kinds of progressive individuals: ignorant or hypocrites. I can return all of your insults with equal or greater force. And there we go: the divide and conquer strategy instituted by those who have political power and wish to retain it continues in its efficacy. Accordingly, why should a progressive individual bother having a conversation with you? I can spin my wheels somewhere else.
cicerone imposter
Mon 5 Dec, 2016 05:04 pm
@Debra Law,
Indeed, progressives brought us women sufferage and equal rights for every one (including equal pay for women). The republicans are still a backward political force loved by the racial bigots, the KKK and white supremacists who are in fear of losing their control while their numbers become smaller every year.
There's a reason the KKK loves Donald Trump; he has a history of racial bigotry.

Mon 5 Dec, 2016 05:20 pm
@cicerone imposter,
And you know what else we are?? INCHAGRE! Suck it up buttercup

Debra Law
Mon 5 Dec, 2016 05:40 pm
giujohn wrote:

And you know what else we are?? INCHAGRE! Suck it up buttercup

You're not in charge of anything, giujohn.
0 Replies
reasoning logic
Mon 5 Dec, 2016 07:56 pm
Are all Republicans Idiots?

Know they just see reality different than you. Crazy behavior is not prejudice to democrat or republican, both sides have people you would consider to be idiots.
Mon 5 Dec, 2016 09:04 pm
@Debra Law,
I do dislike liberals precisely because of this kind of attack first. Perhaps I just haven't met a reasonable progressive recently. When I first posted a science question, someone, apparently a progressive, calls me "armed with blind faith" when my intention was not even to talk about politics or religion. Then I say illegal immigration problem needs fix and then someone calls me a white supremacist, heck I am not even white. Bottom line is NONE of the ones that calls me by names or accuse me of being some sort of evil reincarnation was able to provide a logical counter argument. So if those are representations of "progressive", unfortunately, I can't change my stereotype. If you remember I am NOT unreasonable. I asked a question about wherher we have true free speech and you answered and I conceded to your answer. Progressives can convince me, but certainly not by your attitude. It takes 2 sides to start a war and also 2 sides to break peace.

Mind you, I'm the only "devil" that has solar power in my entire city, despite I know it's not economically sensible but I'm willing to do my share to make the world a better place. My parents runs a foundation that helps terminally ill elderly, to have kids read them stories, which I have expressed interest to take over eventually when they retire. I also did a fund raiser to help relief the Tsunami damage in Japan, despite Chinese and Japanese arent suppose to get along. So before you call someone Orwellian, get your facts straight. What have you done with your own money, without the government forcing you, to do something for others.

Yes you can spin your wheels elsewhere, just like when people tell you "it's not for you to understand the will of God", practically dodging the question.
Mon 5 Dec, 2016 09:06 pm
@reasoning logic,
See, finally a perfect answer. Kudos for you.

Debra, you should read the title of this post. So who started it first? You aren't returning any favor. You are exacerbating it.
cicerone imposter
Mon 5 Dec, 2016 09:18 pm
So, you prefer the racial and gender prejudice of conservatives? What about their federal spending? You okay with that too!

What's so attractive about the conservatives over the liberals?
Mon 5 Dec, 2016 09:34 pm
@cicerone imposter,
First of all, not all conservatives are racist or sexist. It was a republican senate together, again, I emphasis, TOGETHER, with a progressive that allowed Chinese students to have amnesty in the USA when the Chinese government massacred students in Tiananmen Square. History lesson for you:

Abraham Lincoln was republican and he freed the slaves
Woodrow Wilson is a DEMOCRACT and segregation was the worst under him

And education time for you again, look at how much debt has increased under Obama. Excessive welfare comes at a cost okay? So it's not republican or democratic that single handedly caused the budget issue.

Lastly why conservatives are attractive? Well people should help themselves. I disagree with many things that Trump has in mind. Supporting someone doesn't mean I support every idea he has. However I do not believe in handing welfare money to spoon feed the poor is the answer. Some progressive policies are essentially robbing us middle class to benefit another class. You must distinguish poor by choice or poor by extraordinary circumstances such as disability. I do not oppose welfare for the disabled. In fact I openly criticized China for not having disability protection laws. And women's rights? Sure, fine with me, but some take to the extreme, again. Let's leave that for another day.
Mon 5 Dec, 2016 09:48 pm
@cicerone imposter,
Here's some info for your own reading enjoyment:

And here's another thing you could read:

Bottom line, don't believe everything the media is feeding you. Use your own judgement and do your own research. Media probably praise Obama for bringing the unemployment rate down to 5% but participation rate has dropped significantly, meaning people just gave up looking for jobs. So if you hold participation rate constant, the true unemployment rate is more like 8%.

So you decide, who's feeding who propragandas. These above are real statistics we use to make financial decisions on, not some bs that the media is feeding you.
0 Replies
cicerone imposter
Mon 5 Dec, 2016 09:55 pm
I never said "all" were racist or sexist, but many who support Trump are of like-minded minions; older white uneducated men.
Abe would have a nightmare if he sees the likes of Trump representing his party.

Also, congress authorizes spending, not the president.


Debra Law
Tue 6 Dec, 2016 06:47 am
Angelgz2 wrote:

I do dislike liberals precisely because of this kind of attack first. Perhaps I just haven't met a reasonable progressive recently. When I first posted a science question, someone, apparently a progressive, calls me "armed with blind faith" when my intention was not even to talk about politics or religion. Then I say illegal immigration problem needs fix and then someone calls me a white supremacist, heck I am not even white. Bottom line is NONE of the ones that calls me by names or accuse me of being some sort of evil reincarnation was able to provide a logical counter argument. So if those are representations of "progressive", unfortunately, I can't change my stereotype. If you remember I am NOT unreasonable. I asked a question about wherher we have true free speech and you answered and I conceded to your answer. Progressives can convince me, but certainly not by your attitude. It takes 2 sides to start a war and also 2 sides to break peace.

Mind you, I'm the only "devil" that has solar power in my entire city, despite I know it's not economically sensible but I'm willing to do my share to make the world a better place. My parents runs a foundation that helps terminally ill elderly, to have kids read them stories, which I have expressed interest to take over eventually when they retire. I also did a fund raiser to help relief the Tsunami damage in Japan, despite Chinese and Japanese arent suppose to get along. So before you call someone Orwellian, get your facts straight. What have you done with your own money, without the government forcing you, to do something for others.

Yes you can spin your wheels elsewhere, just like when people tell you "it's not for you to understand the will of God", practically dodging the question.

You apparently live in a world of your own making where facts don't matter. Maybe you can convince yourself that the unsupported **** you pull out of your ass somehow has merit, but you're not going to win any arguments by crying a river of falsehoods and then accusing all liberals of being ignorant hypocrites. Your head is spinning, Linda Blair. Perhaps you should stop playing the role of victim. Perhaps you should cure your own ignorance before you condemn others for their alleged ignorance.

Let's take a peek at your argument:

Angelgz2 wrote:
. . . Think about it, if that guy makes your daily essentials makes $15, how much would your toilet paper cost? . . . .

Another key word here: production/nonsupervisory workers. What do you expect? Unskilled worker are easily replaceable, just like you aren't going to pay $5 more for the same toilet paper. Total Productivity did go up, because total factor of productivity, i.e. technology has increased. You need to study some economics my friend. Take CFA level 1, you'll see what I mean. I blame everything on liberals because there are only two kinds of them: 1. ignorant of the laws of economics. 2. hypocrites who preys on other's ignorance for power and status. Jill Stein falls in the 2nd category.

You don't know the difference between skilled and unskilled workers.

You don't know anything about paper manufacturing and don't even educate yourself a little bit before using production/nonsupervisory workers in the paper manufacturing industry to make your argument, i.e., if these "unskilled" workers are paid more than $15 an hour, then you would have to pay $5.00 more for a package of toilet paper.

Check out the FACTS:

Production/nonsupervisory workers in the paper manufacturing industry on an average make $21.80 per hour.

Facts matter.

How do you craft a valid argument? Here's a handy slideshow that might assist you to figure that out:


Next, get off your pity pot. You dislike liberals because they attack your arguments? Really? I think you need to conduct a serious re-evaluation of your world view.
Tue 6 Dec, 2016 07:33 am
@cicerone imposter,
The republicans are still a backward political force loved by the racial bigots, the KKK and white supremacists who are in fear of losing their control while their numbers become smaller every year.

ASTONISHING how you can paint half the voters in this country as racial bigots and white supremacists. So much for being the party of understanding and objectivity..
Debra Law
Tue 6 Dec, 2016 08:40 am
Angelgz2 wrote:

Debra, you should read the title of this post. So who started it first? You aren't returning any favor. You are exacerbating it.

I didn't write the title of this discussion thread, which questions whether all Republicans are idiots. Personally, I don't believe that all Republicans are idiots. Only some. Perhaps a lot of them.

Are you a Republican? I don't know. Are you an idiot? So far I haven't seen much evidence to establish that you're not an idiot. Why don't you craft an argument that is both valid and sound, and then maybe we'll revisit the question.
0 Replies
Debra Law
Tue 6 Dec, 2016 09:54 am
woiyo wrote:

The republicans are still a backward political force loved by the racial bigots, the KKK and white supremacists who are in fear of losing their control while their numbers become smaller every year.

ASTONISHING how you can paint half the voters in this country as racial bigots and white supremacists. So much for being the party of understanding and objectivity..

I think observations about the ideology and practices of the Republican party and its members disclose that the party still embraces the southern strategy.

The racists, bigots, white supremacists, et al., broke away from the Democratic Party when civil rights for all--including blacks--became an important plank in the party platform. They first became Dixiecrats and then Republicans under the southern strategy and "states rights" mantra. The more moderate and liberal members of the Republican Party correspondingly moved over to the Democratic Party. And now the racists claim they are the ones who freed the slaves because Abe Lincoln was a Republican. Those who make such claims are truly idiots or just dishonest.
Tue 6 Dec, 2016 11:14 am
@Debra Law,
There are two fundamental mistakes you have made:

1. You put stuff in my mouth that I NEVER SAID. For example:
I said "ignorant of the laws of economics." Which is not equal to being ignorant on all intellectual areas. Despite this, I will concede to you that this is a hasty generalization.

2. You are combining two different arguments into one. I concede that I should phrase it better: If people that make your daily essential needs, who is currently making $10 on average, gets an increase to $15, how much do you expect that they produce will increase?

Second argument: Production / Non-supervisory workers defined here:

which includes "engaged in fabricating, processing, assembling, inspecting, receiving, storing, handling, packing, warehousing, shipping, trucking, hauling, maintenance, repair, janitorial, guard services, product development, auxiliary production for plant's own use (for example, power plant), recordkeeping, and other services closely associated with the above production operations." per the above link.

So the categories includes both skilled and unskilled workers.

Unskilled Labor, defined here:


"Unskilled labor is a segment of the workforce associated with a limited skill set or minimal economic value for the work performed."

So the second argument can be constructed, using your template as such:

Fact: Unskilled labor adds minimal economic value for the work performed.
Fact: Production / non-supervisory worker includes many category that includes unskilled labor.
Fact: You will not be willing to pay for anything ABOVE it's inherent economic value (toilet paper is just an example, although I may concede to you that it's a bad example).
Therefore, if you "force" employers to pay for something above its economic value, e.g. a janitor's work, they will inevitably pass this burden, at least partially, to the consumers.

PS, my prejudice towards liberals are no more severe than yours. Your profane tone and hasty generalization towards republicans only exceeds all of which I have said. I never play the victim more than you liberals wants to make everyone feel like a victim. And no, I do not mind them attacking my argument. I only dislike liberals because they insult before they engage in a civil discussion. You have no yet disproved this by using terms such as "unsupported **** you pull out of your ass".

Tue 6 Dec, 2016 11:26 am
@cicerone imposter,
You are correct, congress eventually authorizes not just spending, but pretty much everything. However, these authorizations has an origin my friend. They authorize / reject programs that the president deems helpful. So ultimately it really does depend on the president.


0 Replies
cicerone imposter
Tue 6 Dec, 2016 11:26 am
Nice try, but you fail on the history of America's presidents.
0 Replies
Tue 6 Dec, 2016 11:35 am
@Debra Law,
moderate and liberal members of the Republican Party correspondingly moved over to the Democratic Party

A statement without any proof. Do you believe that or is that a real fact?

and now the racists claim they are the ones who freed the slaves because Abe Lincoln was a Republican.

That is again, your opinion.

Those who make such claims are truly idiots or just dishonest.

Your conclusion is based on two unproven claims. Good job. You should probably review that template you send me on how to construct a logical argument.

PS, Ronald Reagan is also republican. So perhaps you'll say he's a democrat disguised as a republican.
Tue 6 Dec, 2016 11:49 am
The Dems never want to admit that their party controlled the South from the time of Reconstruction until the mid 1990's when the first GOP governor was elected in the south. They can claim "Dixiecrats" all they want, but the control of power was firmly in the Dems hands until the 1990's.

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