Tue 17 Dec, 2002 01:06 pm
US fury over German Afghan documentary
17 December 2002
WASHINGTON - US officials expressed outrage Monday over the decision by a German television network to broadcast a documentary alleging that US troops stood idly by and allowed Northern Alliance troops to massacre Taliban soldiers last year in Afghanistan.
US officials expressed outrage
This documentary has been shown already on British 'Channel 5' and Italian state television 'RAI'.
Producer Jamie Doran said, it will be broadcasted shortly in the US as well.
Program link (ARD, wednesday)
Here two more links to the documentary (thanks Ul for providing them!):
"Atlantic Celtic Films": Massacre at Mazar
Interview with Jamie Doran
Thank you kindly...this is a story that I had somehow completely missed. It's not a happy story.
It's not only been mised by you - as far as I noticed, it was just published in the European (and especially German) media.
Walter, this ( US officials expressed outrage ) is an image only - at least I don't get a news story. Could you release the URL?
Walter, I'm more surprised that this incident created such an outcry by the US. The US has been complicit in support of Israel's military outrage against the Palestinians for much longer, but nobody seems too interested. c.i.
Walter, there is so much within these articles - it makes me wonder, why I have not seen anything of this in the US press. Then again, it was the unPres that refuses the World Court. Its the unPres that has said to let the other side handle the prisoners because they know what to do with them. I believe that we are under censorship in the US press.
I clearly recall that much of this was indeed reported in the press contemporaneously, particularly the part about deaths from asphixiation of prisioners held in shipping containers. I don't recall anything reported then about organized executions of survivors though.
Much or most of this may be true. The events are alleged to have occurred at the height of the battles between the Northern Alliance and the Taliban. I don't suggest there is no culpability on the part of American forces here, however, the facts do not suggest that U.S. forces either directed or abetted these events. Knowing about it either as it happened or soon afterwards does not establish that we had the physical ability to stop it.
Yes, I think we are without sufficent data at this point. I'd love to see the documentary and rejoinders to it. But I'm willing to consider the possibility that ugly stuff gets covered up, and that the release of such, when that happens, is likely to be suppressed for the obvious PR reasons. It's a cynicism I have from too many past political deceptions.
There is no evidence that the US was complicit or could have stopped the alleged human rights violations. These were Afghans fighting an ongoing war in the manner they have always fought it.
This idea that war is a gentleman's game and can be fought that way is a myth. It has never been so nor will it ever.
I should also note that only the violations of the winner are ever reported those committed by the loser are never known.
Those of you who are attracted to conspiracy theories should perhaps consider the several posters on this thread who chortled so sagely about this event as yet another cover up, and who were all wrong. The events had been widely reported soon after they happened.
One who is ignorant of widely reported events and who later claims a conspiracy prevented him from knowing it is a fool.
The reason you have not read anything in the media is because the media (that would be the US media, for those of you outside the US) has gone bad.
Thanks, Walter, for the links.
I'm making my it personal challenge and responsibility to expose the US media's culpability, complicity, and duplicitousness in the Bush Administration's war on the world and its own citizens.
If we take back our media we may still have a chance to take back our government from these corrupt bastards.
PDiddie, First off, good luck. Secondly, if you are able to get deep enough you may find that the "We are at War" label will be thrust at you and "Certain rights of the Press are therefore limited" will become the explanation. Liberties have been curtailed.
Let me me taste the old soup.
Soup is not that old though.