Thu 9 May, 2013 06:40 am
Hi, I am a Coloured man from Namibia. Here 'Coloureds' are a people of mixed race, for those who don't know. I am turning 20 this year. I am both a student and I am employed. I have always been interested in finding myself an Arabic wife. I am just absolutely amazed by them. I think they are the most beautiful women and find a woman wearing a veil extremely attractive.
So, what I'd like to know is whether an Arabic woman will be willing to marry me, with me being Christian and not being an Arab man.
Can't speak for all (and I am not an Arabic woman), but you might have trouble unless you're a Muslim.
Maybe...they are not all Muslim
Well, of course not, though if you look at it as a numbers game, accommodate the highest # of possible recipients to your message (your message is that you are looking for a wife).
If they are wearing a veil, then they are most likely Muslim.
Have you considered converting to Islam?
No, there is no way I'll convert. Also, converting because I want to find a wife is just not right.
Why isn't it right? Choosing your religion for a woman is as good a reason as any. But, suit yourself.
I believe my faith in Christ get's me to heaven. But thanks for your comment anyway.
Quote:believe my faith in Christ get's me to heaven. But thanks for your comment anyway.
Of course you do as you was likely born into that faith however both the Jews and the Muslims are people of the book are they not?
Come to think of it why if that is your real feelings that only Christians are save would you wish for a wife that is condemn to hell fire along perhaps with any children with her that you might have?
I guess you make a point there. thnX