Quote:Who the hell are you talking to, Jack - yourself?
Jack is as confused as I, neither of us comprehending the OP
Con evidently understands best as his answer was selected by WB. Apparently the word "for" is somehow crucial to the ramification of conspicuity
The OP, JTT. When one poses a question about the original post, without attribution, one is usually addressing the original poster. I would have thought you understood that, by now.
But do native speakers say this?:
Whether a Chinese phrase comes from Sanskrit or Manchu, no one can say for definite. (My meaning is, no one can give a definite answer/can be sure)
Not any native speaker I know of. Contrex seems to think Brits say "for definite". Americans wouldn't. We might say "definitely" or "for sure". Not "for granted". And I still have no idea where you think "conspicuous" fits in this discussion.
CONSPICUOUS is gone. But I just didn't think there was the need to start a thread.
I hope Contrex can give an answer to my previous question.