Reply Thu 6 Jun, 2013 08:19 pm
I 'll not apply a date to it.
I was not there LOOKING, when the first road was built.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 7 Jun, 2013 07:36 am
I actually forgot about toll roads, usually they didn't amount to much, but never the less, the whole analogy was kinda ignorant on my part.

I read, mostly skimmed, a little on Wikipedia a minute ago on the history of toll roads. Apparently, at first they were privately owned but by the turn of the 20th century, the government mostly took over because of the development of more and faster cars, better highways were needed. So evidently, private companies needed help.

Toll roads in the United States

Reply Sat 8 Jun, 2013 01:25 pm
Even Toll roads in the 1700s were authorized by governments if they were run by private companies.
Reply Sat 8 Jun, 2013 03:20 pm
For toll roads, land had to be purchased by private individuals and fair value had to be given. When government took over they could just take the land through the courts the same way they do today than "sell" the roads to their political buddies for a pittance.. Nothing has changed in 300 years.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 10 Jun, 2013 11:33 am
I got it. But the goverment has some control over what's put on television (through the FCC) if it could be harmful to viewers. Maybe they should also get some regulations on firearms since they can be harmful to users as well.

To be quite honest, I actually have no idea what the government (or anyone) should do about gun control, but something has to be done. There have been far too many shootings recently. I don't know if the best resolution would be background checks, regulations on wh0 gets guns, etc., but that's what's been proposed so far. I hope someone can come up with better resolutions, but until then, I have to go with what's been proposed so far because I want SOMETHING done (and have no good ideas myself).
Reply Tue 11 Jun, 2013 10:45 pm
komr98 wrote:
I got it. But the goverment has some control over what's put on television (through the FCC) if it could be harmful to viewers. Maybe they should also get some regulations on firearms since they can be harmful to users as well.

To be quite honest, I actually have no idea what the government (or anyone) should do about gun control, but something has to be done. There have been far too many shootings recently. I don't know if the best resolution would be background checks, regulations on wh0 gets guns, etc., but that's what's been proposed so far. I hope someone can come up with better resolutions, but until then, I have to go with what's been proposed so far because I want SOMETHING done (and have no good ideas myself).

Impose a severe fine
for appearing in public in an un-armed condition
( on the same principle as mandatory use of seatbelts ).

0 Replies
Reply Fri 14 Jun, 2013 01:01 pm
There have been far too many shootings recently.

We are a nation of 300 millions and by percent of population we are at a low point in our history concerning violence of all types including so call gun violence.

The overall murder rate is at a fifty years low and mass violence/killings peak in the year 1929.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 16 Jun, 2013 03:06 am

by <>Dana Criswell

Armordillo Concealment X-Fer Holster 2

As we approach July 1 we've seen an increase in
media attention to the change taking place in Mississippi.
 That change will allow the average citizen to carry a firearm openly.

We've all had the dicussion about the fact that there
is really no new law and no real change to the law.
The fact is, open carry has been legal in Mississippi
for over a 100 years. This change simply removes
an unconstitutional interpretation by some judges,
law enforcement and the Attorney General but,
that is all old news. The fact is open carry of a firearm
will be more accepted by law enforcement and citizens
who choose to do so will not receive as much
harassment for exercising their right.

If you read the news papers and follow any discussion
fora you will see a lot of discussion, worry,
and fear that all of a sudden Mississippi will
become the wild west. There is worry that the
average citizen just doesn't have the training,
the knowledge, or the respect for guns to carry
one around all the time. Some of this fear is
coming from law enforcement officials, some from
politicians and some of the fear is even coming
from gun owners. Â These gun owners are the
folks who have been the loudest supporters of
gun rights, they've spent years lecturing their
friends and family about the importance of gun
ownership, they've railed against politicians
who wanted to rob them of their guns, and they've
condemned any threat against their second
amendment rights as un-American. It seems that
some of these folks like to talk about how wrong
it is for the government to try to regulate
their guns but now that they see the possibility
of their neighbor carrying a gun too, they're
worried. They want to put some limits on their
neighbor because now that they are faced with
the fact that someone else in the grocery store
may have a gun they are not so sure its a good idea.

Some Statistics

Here are some statistics that hopefully will eliminate
some of their fears about their neighbors carrying guns.
* Law-abiding citizens use guns to defend
themselves against criminals as many as 2.5
million times every year -- or about 6,850
times a day. This means that each year,
firearms are used more than 60 times more often
to protect the lives of honest citizens than to take lives.
* Of the 2.5 million self-defense cases, as many as 200,000
are by women defending themselves against sexual abuse.

* Citizens shoot and kill at least twice as many criminals
as police do every year (1,527 to 606).
* Of the 2.5 million times citizens use
their guns to defend themselves every year, the
overwhelming majority merely brandish their gun
or fire a warning shot to scare off their attackers.
Less than 8% of the time, a citizen will kill or wound
his/her attacker.
* Every year, as many as one-half million citizens defend
themselves with a firearm away from home.

Did you catch some of those numbers?
The error rate of citizens shooting the wrong person
is significatly less than that of police.
 You are more than 11 times more likely to be
accidentally shot by a policeman than by an armed citizen.
Did you know that guns are used 60 times more often
to protect the lives of law-abiding citizens than to take a life? Also, did you know that if all women over the age of 18
carried a firearm that the occurrence of rape
would be significantly lowered? Certainly with
an increased number of citizens carrying guns
there is a need for more education, but if any
of us actually believe in the Constitution of
the United States, if we really believe in
rights and liberty then we have to believe in
those rights for everyone. Our belief, that is
we who are gun owners and have spent years
lecturing our kids about rights and liberty,
that guns are a valid and important means of
self defense is not just for ourselves and our
buddies but for everyone. If we start telling
people that they don't have the right to carry
openly because we think its unnecessary, unwise
or any other reason then we are no better than
those telling us its unnecessary, unwise or unneeded
to carry concealed or have a handgun in our homes.

Freedom is messy, its unrully at times
and often it means those around us make
decisions we don't like. That is freedom, that
is liberty. If I want it for myself then I must
want it for everyone or it doesn't work.
Statistics for this article can be found at
and from The Journal of Criminal Law and
Criminology Armed Resistance to Crime:Â
Prevalence and Nature of Self-Defense with a Gun by, Gary Kleck and Marc Gertz.
Criswell | June 15, 2013 at 7:33 am | Tags:
2 | Categories:
<>By Dana,
Carry | URL: <>

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