Watch doesn't mean get or anything like it. You watch a movie or tv, or two kids playing tag.
You get an ice cream. You fetch it, you obtain it, you take it. You would only watch ice cream melt.
You get an idea. You understand it, or an idea dawns on you, a lightbulb moment.
If you're "gunna get it", expect trouble, a beating or a good talking to.
"The Mounties always get their man". They always apprehend the bad guy, the criminal, or so the rumour goes.
There is a whole industry of movies made around the premise that the good guy always gets the bad guy. He beats him, he shoots him, he fights and he wins. He gets the honours, the kudos, the awards.
The good guy always gets the girl. He wins her heart, he gets a kiss, he engages in a big sloppy kiss. Get/s has a ton of meanings, or more precisely, can be used to mean a bunch or things and you only really 'get it' in context.
Get it, got it, good.