Fellow Bostonians: How many of us wished we had an assault weapon last night?

Thu 19 Dec, 2019 09:07 pm
InfraBlue wrote:
I'm not saying the military chose these guns because of the presence of pistol grips. I'm saying the military implements pistol grips on these guns.

You have provided no evidence that the military implements pistol grips on these guns.

And, if you think that "implements pistol grips on these guns" means something different than "chose these guns because of the presence of pistol grips", I think we need an explanation of what you mean by "implements pistol grips on these guns".

In normal English language, those two phrases amount to the same thing.
Thu 19 Dec, 2019 09:08 pm
InfraBlue wrote:
A compelling government interest was irrelevant in the Federal Assault Weapons Ban, Public Safety and Recreational Firearms Use Protection Act.

That is incorrect. That you committed a grave violation of people's civil liberties matters quite a lot.

I oppose all new gun laws, even if those new laws would save lives, and even I have no objections to those laws, until you have paid heavy compensation to your victims.

InfraBlue wrote:
oralloy wrote:
InfraBlue wrote:
You've written something altogether different than your initial comparison.

That is incorrect. I wrote the same thing.

No you didn't.

In the normal usage of the English language, my two phrases say the same thing.

When I speak, I use the normal usage of the English language.

InfraBlue wrote:
Exactly, you're making the comparison, "a flash suppressor verses some other method," not I.

That is incorrect. You were the one who singled out flash suppressors as an objectionable method of concealing a position.
Thu 19 Dec, 2019 09:09 pm
InfraBlue wrote:
They're worried about assault weapons in general.

If any police officers have a phobia of pistol grips, psychological counseling might help them.
Thu 19 Dec, 2019 09:10 pm
InfraBlue wrote:
I'm not deciding that at all. You've completely mischaracterized what I wrote. Go back and re-read. Also, I have no irrational fear or otherwise, of pistol grips.

The only reason why progressives try to outlaw pistol grips is because progressives enjoy violating people's civil liberties.

InfraBlue wrote:
No, try keeping up. They're worried about assault weapons, e.g. AR-15's, semiauto AK-47's, SKS's, etc. Automatic weapons are rare, so they're not as worrisome as assault weapons.

What you are wrongly referring to as an assault weapon is just an ordinary hunting rifle with a pistol grip attached to it.

A real assault weapon is an automatic weapon.
Thu 19 Dec, 2019 09:25 pm
If any police officers have a phobia of pistol grips, psychological counseling might help them.

Hopefully I straightened her out on that matter by showing her the results of a survey of law enforcement personnel.

Over 15,000 police professionals were surveyed. Here is part of what the survey shows:

What effect do you think the passage of the White House’s currently proposed legislation would have in improving police officer safety?

86% of respondents say passage will have no impact or a negative impact on officer safety. One of four think additional gun-control measures will make their job more difficult and have a negative impact on their safety.

What effect do you think a federal ban on manufacture and sale of some semi-automatic firearms, termed by some as “assault weapons,” would have on reducing violent crime?

Almost 92% off officers think a ban on the manufacture and sale of “assault weapons” will have no effect – or a negative effect – on reducing violent crime.

Do you think a federal ban on manufacture and sale of ammunition magazines that hold more than 10 rounds would reduce violent crime?

96% of respondents answered No.

0 Replies
Thu 19 Dec, 2019 09:30 pm
InfraBlue wrote:
I'm going by the definition provided in the Public Safety and Recreational Firearms Use Protection Act, thank you very much.

That is a fraudulent definition.

Assault weapons:

a) are capable of either full-auto or burst-fire,

b) accept detachable magazines,

c) fire rounds that are less powerful than a standard deer rifle, and

d) are effective at a range of 300 meters.

This means that semi-auto-only guns are not assault weapons.

This means that guns with fixed magazines are not assault weapons.

This means that guns that fire rounds equal-to or greater-than the power of a standard deer rifle are not assault weapons.

This means that guns that fire handgun/shotgun/rimfire rounds are not assault weapons.
0 Replies
Thu 19 Dec, 2019 09:35 pm
InfraBlue wrote:
To clarify pistol grips do not give me "the willies." I do not have an irrational fear of pistol grips. I do not fear pistol grips.

The reason why progressives try to outlaw pistol grips is indeed not because of fear. The reason is because progressives enjoy violating people's civil liberties.

InfraBlue wrote:
What should be banned are weapons defined by the Federal Assault Weapons Ban, Public Safety and Recreational Firearms Use Protection Act. Pistol grips are but one feature of some of these weapons.

There is no reason for banning pistol grips other than the fact that progressives enjoy violating people's civil liberties.

InfraBlue wrote:
Yes, I'm asking you to back up your assertion that the military implements features such as pistol grips on their weaponry "because it gives the willies," as you would have us believe.
InfraBlue wrote:
Actually, it sound like you can't come up with proof that the military implements features such as pistol grips in their weaponry "to give the willies."

Let's see some proof that the military implements pistol grips.

And how about a clarification as to what you mean by "implements features such as pistol grips", since you keep coming up with your own special definitions for words.

InfraBlue wrote:
No. The legislators knew exactly what they were banning and why. These weapons are based on military ones, ones that have the purpose of being used effectively against human beings.

The only "why" was their desire to violate people's civil liberties for fun. They have no other reason for trying to outlaw such weapons.

InfraBlue wrote:
That you attempt to obfuscate ridiculous notions of style against function only reveals their disingenuousness behind your anti-regulation, gun nut fanaticism.

There is no obfuscation or disingenuousness in his posts. He is accurately pointing out what the freedom haters are actually doing in their proposed laws.
0 Replies
Thu 19 Dec, 2019 09:36 pm
InfraBlue wrote:
The ban wasn't about pistol grips, it was about assault weapons.

That is sophistry. What it wrongly referred to as "assault weapons" were just ordinary rifles with a pistol grip attached to them.

InfraBlue wrote:
This law, or a law along its lines will pass through congress again. I don't know when, but it will.

That is incorrect. The NRA will not allow Congress to violate the Second Amendment again.

Additionally, it is only a matter of time before the Supreme Court strikes down these laws where they exist in leftist strongholds.

And you will have to pay heavy compensation to your victims before people like me will allow you to have any new gun laws of any sort.
0 Replies
Thu 19 Dec, 2019 09:38 pm
RABEL222 wrote:
Putting your slant on what she said and changing the meaning of her statement makes you almost as big a liar as Ollie. Post on. I'm sure you will be as big a previcator as Ollie in a few more posts.

The only liar here is you. You cannot point out anything untrue in my posts.

You also cannot point out anything untrue in Glennn's posts.
0 Replies
Thu 19 Dec, 2019 09:40 pm
InfraBlue wrote:
No. Pistol grips do not give me "the willies." What's giving me the willies is your psychotic obsession with pistol grips and AR-15 rifles. Get a grip, man.

You're the one who insists that such weapons be banned for no reason. How is that his obsession?

InfraBlue wrote:
You're not keeping up. The ban was about assault weapons, not assault rifles.

Same thing. And no, the ban was not about such weapons. That law only prohibited ordinary weapons that there is no justification for banning.

InfraBlue wrote:
the reality of what the public wants is entirely another thing. The public will have its way.

The Constitution trumps the will of the public.

InfraBlue wrote:
Those word of yours reveal your hysterical gun zealotry. I didn't say a shift of the wrist when holding a rifle results in more deaths. That's your straw man argument.

Sure you did. You claimed it made guns more effective. What do you think is the result of a more effective weapon?

InfraBlue wrote:
Your hysteria is driving you to cast aspersions and ad hominem arguments, and it's driving you to make your ridiculous straw man arguments.

Confronting your actual stated position is not a straw man argument.

If you are using more private alternate definitions for certain words, it's not a straw man argument if he assumes that you are using normal English language definitions and responds accordingly.

InfraBlue wrote:
You have an obsession with the AR-15.

You're the one who pushes for an unjustifiable ban on such weapons.
0 Replies
Thu 19 Dec, 2019 10:00 pm
InfraBlue wrote:
It isn't only about pistol grips. What need to be banned are weapons based on those that the military uses with the only difference being selective fire, like those in the Public Safety and Recreational Firearms Use Protection Act.

That is incorrect. There is no justification for any bans on such weapons.

InfraBlue wrote:
Where did I write about "special powers," and "magical properties"?

When you claimed that these features make a weapon more effective.

InfraBlue wrote:
Actually, I didn't assign "special powers to a rifle by virtue of a shift of the wrist." Those are your straw man words.

That is incorrect. You claimed that they make a gun more effective.

InfraBlue wrote:
You came up with these ridiculous arguments because of the vacuousness of your extremist stance on gun control.

There is nothing ridiculous, vacuous, or extremist about saying that progressives are wrong to try to violate peoples civil liberties for no reason.

InfraBlue wrote:
Get it straight, man. I'm campaigning for the banning of military based weapons like the AR-15 whose sole distinction is the lack of selective fire.

Like I said, you've got to get over your psychotic obsession with pistol grips and AR-15 rifles.

You are the one who is trying to ban them. How does that make him the one who is obsessed?

InfraBlue wrote:
The public wants gun control, they will have their way. Point.

The Constitution says no, so the public won't be getting their way.
0 Replies
Thu 19 Dec, 2019 10:21 pm
InfraBlue wrote:
Glennn wrote:
No. You said that a pistol-grip on a rifle makes it especially dangerous and also that it doesn't result in more deaths.

Where did I say that?

InfraBlue wrote:
I've already explained why pistol-grips, flash suppressors and other such features make a rifle especially dangerous; it's because it makes a rifle more effective in its purpose.

InfraBlue wrote:
I didn't say a shift of the wrist when holding a rifle results in more deaths. That's your straw man argument.
0 Replies
Thu 19 Dec, 2019 10:24 pm
InfraBlue wrote:
Who has gone over the deep end with obsession is you, what with you endlessly banging on about pistol grips and AR-15 rifles.

You're the one who insists on outlawing them for no reason. How is that his obsession?
0 Replies
Thu 19 Dec, 2019 11:46 pm
oralloy wrote:

InfraBlue wrote:
It your opinion that it isn't true, much like the tobacco companies' opinion about disease and tobacco use.

That is incorrect. That a pistol grip does nothing to make a semi-auto rifle shoot faster or more accurately is a fact, not an opinion.

That's incorrect. It is not a fact. It's an assertion.

oralloy wrote:
InfraBlue wrote:
You forgot the modifier "revolutionary." No they don't. What's more those are not my words, they're Glennn's. Stick to what I wrote, not Glennn's straw man arguments.

I think Glennn was assuming that you were using the normal English language understanding of the term "especially dangerous".

Yeah, Glennn makes a lot of assumptions in regard to his straw man arguments.

oralloy wrote:
A change that would make a gun "especially dangerous" as those words are understood in the normal English language would be quite revolutionary.

In your and Glennn's minds, that is, for the sake of your straw man arguments.
Thu 19 Dec, 2019 11:47 pm
oralloy wrote:

InfraBlue wrote:
I'm not saying the military chose these guns because of the presence of pistol grips. I'm saying the military implements pistol grips on these guns.

You have provided no evidence that the military implements pistol grips on these guns.

And, if you think that "implements pistol grips on these guns" means something different than "chose these guns because of the presence of pistol grips", I think we need an explanation of what you mean by "implements pistol grips on these guns".

In normal English language, those two phrases amount to the same thing.

"Normal English language," and what you assert is "normal English language" are two starkly different things.
Thu 19 Dec, 2019 11:53 pm
oralloy wrote:

InfraBlue wrote:
A compelling government interest was irrelevant in the Federal Assault Weapons Ban, Public Safety and Recreational Firearms Use Protection Act.

That is incorrect. That you committed a grave violation of people's civil liberties matters quite a lot.

Your deluded opinion is duly noted.

oralloy wrote:
I oppose all new gun laws, even if those new laws would save lives, and even I have no objections to those laws, until you have paid heavy compensation to your victims.


oralloy wrote:
InfraBlue wrote:
oralloy wrote:
InfraBlue wrote:
You've written something altogether different than your initial comparison.

That is incorrect. I wrote the same thing.

No you didn't.

In the normal usage of the English language, my two phrases say the same thing.

When I speak, I use the normal usage of the English language.

In your own mind you use the normal usage of the English language. That is vastly different from the normal usage of the English language, however.

oralloy wrote:
InfraBlue wrote:
Exactly, you're making the comparison, "a flash suppressor verses some other method," not I.

That is incorrect. You were the one who singled out flash suppressors as an objectionable method of concealing a position.

There is no comparison in singling out a method.
Thu 19 Dec, 2019 11:57 pm
oralloy wrote:

InfraBlue wrote:
They're worried about assault weapons in general.

If any police officers have a phobia of pistol grips, psychological counseling might help them.

I agree. Your argument is a straw man, however. Phobia of pistol grips isn't talked about in the article.
Fri 20 Dec, 2019 12:09 am
oralloy wrote:

InfraBlue wrote:
I'm not deciding that at all. You've completely mischaracterized what I wrote. Go back and re-read. Also, I have no irrational fear or otherwise, of pistol grips.

The only reason why progressives try to outlaw pistol grips is because progressives enjoy violating people's civil liberties.

You're argumentum ad nauseam doesn't make you any less incorrect.

oralloy wrote:
InfraBlue wrote:
No, try keeping up. They're worried about assault weapons, e.g. AR-15's, semiauto AK-47's, SKS's, etc. Automatic weapons are rare, so they're not as worrisome as assault weapons.

What you are wrongly referring to as an assault weapon is just an ordinary hunting rifle with a pistol grip attached to it.

Human-hunting rifles are anything but ordinary outside of the military.

oralloy wrote:
A real assault weapon is an automatic weapon.

Says you.
Fri 20 Dec, 2019 10:10 am
InfraBlue wrote:
"A shift of the wrist when holding a rifle does not result in more deaths," is not my assertion. That's your straw man argument.

Make up your mind. Do you say that a shift in the wrist does or does not result in more deaths?

"I didn't say a shift of the wrist when holding a rifle results in more deaths. That's your straw man argument."

InfraBlue wrote:
"Shift of the wrist" is not synonymous with pistol grip.

Don't be silly. Of course they are synonymous.

InfraBlue wrote:
The error is yours in pursuing your straw man argument.

Glennn is not pursuing any straw man argument.

InfraBlue wrote:
Your projecting your obsession of the pistol grip onto me.

You are the one who insists on outlawing them for no reason. How is that his obsession?

InfraBlue wrote:
Simply put, it would make a shooting more efficient.

You cannot provide any evidence that adding a pistol grip to a semi-auto weapon makes that weapon shoot more efficiently.

InfraBlue wrote:
I'm not the one banging on about pistol grips and AR-15 rifles. You are.

That is incorrect. You are the one who keeps pressing to ban them for no reason.

InfraBlue wrote:
The discussion ended some time ago. You've merely gone in circles trying to hook me into chasing your straw man arguments.

Glennn is not making any straw man arguments.

InfraBlue wrote:
"A shift of the wrist" is your argument, not mine, that's why it doesn't jibe with my argument.

Don't be silly. What else does a pistol grip do on a semi-auto rifle besides shift the position of a wrist slightly?

InfraBlue wrote:
I'm claiming that "shift of the wrist" is your wording, not mine, and for you it's synonymous with pistol grip. It isn't for me.

Can you establish any other significance for a pistol grip on a semi-auto rifle?
Fri 20 Dec, 2019 10:11 am
InfraBlue wrote:
You're arguing in circles about a straw man of yours.

Glennn is not making any straw man argument.

InfraBlue wrote:
You're the one banging on about it. My argument is about the banning of assault weapons. You've gone in circles about pistol grips.

That's sophistry. What you are wrongly referring to as an assault weapon is just an ordinary rifle with a pistol grip attached to it.

InfraBlue wrote:
That's not obsession that's inference. Take it or leave it.

Your inference is factually incorrect.

InfraBlue wrote:
Sorry, but for you "ergonomic improvement" means "more comfortable." "Ergonomic improvement" has other implications.

No it doesn't. If there were other implications, you would have stated them by now.

InfraBlue wrote:
Yes you have. Those are your straw man arguments and you've arrived at conclusions about them that you've attempted to attribute to me.

He is not making any straw man argument. He is pointing out that your claims are factually incorrect.

InfraBlue wrote:
I've got an inference. My claim that pistol grips along with other attributes make a rifle more effective in its purpose isn't obsessional. What's obsessional is your inability to take it or leave it by banging on and on about pistol grips.

Instead of calling your claims obsessional, let's just call your claims factually incorrect.

InfraBlue wrote:
No, I'm not. I'm merely pointing out your obsessive repetition of your straw man arguments about pistol grips and AR-15 rifles.

Glennn is not making any straw man arguments. He merely points out that your claims are factually incorrect.

InfraBlue wrote:
I haven't made erroneous claims about pistol grips. You're the one banging on and on with your straw man arguments about pistol grips.

That is incorrect. You have erroneously claimed that they improve efficiency, you have erroneously referred to rifles with pistol grips as human-hunting rifles, and you have erroneously claimed that there is justification for outlawing them.

InfraBlue wrote:
You're the one banging on and on with your straw man arguments about pistol grips.

Glennn is not making any straw man arguments. He merely points out that your claims are untrue.

InfraBlue wrote:
Sure, that is one possible end of a discussion. The end of this discussion, however, ended when you disagreed with my stand on the banning of assault weapons. The rest has been you chasing your own tail. Rest assured I'll continue to point out that fact to you.

Pointing out that your claims are untrue is hardly chasing his own tail.

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