Fellow Bostonians: How many of us wished we had an assault weapon last night?

Sun 17 Nov, 2019 01:24 pm
@ oralloy,
@ oralloy,
Sun 17 Nov, 2019 02:05 pm
Trying to negate all 40 some shooting events with one example is what gun nuts do. Otherwise known as lying through their ass.

Pretending that you haven't heard me say several times already that I'm going to go through each one of those 44 shooting incidents is what hysterical anti-gun nuts do; otherwise known as cognitive dissonance.

So let's get back to looking at the reversed chronological order of these 44 "school shootings" in which "children are being slaughtered."

A 19-year-old student was shot by a masked gunman while getting out of a car at Achievement Academy, a high school. His injuries were non-life-threatening. Authorities believe an altercation occurred between the victim and shooter.

So, is that your idea of school children being slaughtered, and a reason to ban guns? Simple yes or no. Then we can move on to the next shooting incident on the list.
Sun 17 Nov, 2019 07:48 pm
RABEL222 wrote:
Trying to negate all 40 some shooting events with one example is what gun nuts do.

Wrong again. Those are freedom hater tactics.

RABEL222 wrote:
Otherwise known as lying through their ass.

You can't provide any examples of anything untrue in any of his posts.
0 Replies
Sun 17 Nov, 2019 07:52 pm
InfraBlue wrote:

Wrong again. Posting facts does negate your untrue claims.

Your lies and name-calling are ample evidence of your lack of ability to use facts or logic to defend your position.

And your inability to point out any other motivation for outlawing pistol grips is quite plain.

The reason why you are unable to provide any alternative motivation is because there is no other motivation. The only reason why progressives try to outlaw pistol grips is because progressives think that it is fun to violate people's civil liberties for no reason.
Sun 17 Nov, 2019 11:20 pm
Sun 17 Nov, 2019 11:23 pm
No matter how many times you deny reality, you still cannot provide any motivation for outlawing pistol grips on rifles other than the fact that progressives enjoy violating people's civil liberties.
Sun 17 Nov, 2019 11:41 pm
See previous response.
Sun 17 Nov, 2019 11:47 pm
Denying reality will not change the fact that you cannot provide any motivation for outlawing pistol grips other than the fact that progressives enjoy violating people's civil liberties.
Mon 18 Nov, 2019 04:42 pm
This case is a perfect example for the lies about school shootings:

January 30
Lithonia, Georgia
A man was injured when he was shot outside Miller Grove High School after school hours. The victim, who was not a student, was running on the school's track when he saw someone trying to break into his vehicle. When he confronted the man, he was shot once, police said.

It says the victim wasn't a student and as running on the school track after hours. He was shot when he tried to stop someone from breaking into his car. It also looks like he lived.

January 31
Memphis, Tennessee
A 14-year-old student at Manassas High School ROTC was sent to the hospital for injuries after he was shot with a pellet gun at school.

A pellet gun counts as a school shooting, or a massacre according to the anti-gun people.

January 31
Humble, Texas
A 16-year-old student was shot at Atascocita High School while trying to buy marijuana from a 17-year-old student, sheriff's deputies said. The student who was shot suffered non-life-threatening wounds, and police identified the shooter after he posted about the incident on Snapchat.

After hours drug deal gone bad, not another school shooting.

February 8
A Frederick Douglass High School staff member was seriously injured after a 25-year-old man entered the school and shot him. The shooter is a family member of the victim, police said.

This did happen during the school day, but it was one family member coming to the school to shoot anther family member, no one else was shot, that includes students.
I'd rate this one as 1/2 a school shooting.

February 12
Kansas City, Missouri
A 15-year-old girl was shot outside Central Academy of Excellence during a basketball game. Police said the victim had fought with two shooting suspects, 21 and 18, during the game. The suspects were escorted out of the game and allegedly shot the girl when she left the building a short time later.

This shooting also took place outside of school hours at a basketball game. Fight broke out during the game and the shooter was removed from the building. They waited outside for the person they were fighting and then shot her as she came out of the game.

February 17
Centennial, Colorado
A 46-year-old man was shot multiple times by his neighbor at Eaglecrest High School amid an ongoing argument over a parking spot. The victim died from his injuries.

This shooting took place on a Sunday after a dispute between neighbors about a parking space in the street. The shooting took place in the school parking lot on a Sunday, no school shooting here either.

February 26
Montgomery, Alabama
A 17-year-old student at Robert E. Lee High School was shot in the arm in the school's gym. The student's injury was non-life-threatening. Authorities said the suspect was a minor and likely a fellow student.

This shooting actually took place during the school day between students. This makes 2 school shootings from the list of "44".

March 7
Grambling, Louisiana
A gun accidentally discharged in a Grambling State University dorm, injuring one student.

This was an accidental discharge shooting, no school shooting here.

March 27
Lexington, Mississippi
A 10-year-old student riding the bus home from Holmes County Elementary School was injured after he was struck by a bullet in his left hand. It's unclear where the bullet came from. The fifth-grader said another student on the bus shot him, but the school district said the bus was the target of a drive-by shooting.

This might be a school shooting except it happened on a school bus and the police claim it was a drive by shooting. So we might have a 3rd school shooting.

April 1
Prescott, Arkansas
A student shot a fellow 8th-grade student in the hallway of Prescott High School, sheriff's deputies said. The injured boy was airlifted to the hospital. The school district said the shooting appeared to be a premeditated attack.

This is for sure a school shooting, that makes 3 1/2 school shootings.

April 30
Charlotte, North Carolina
A gunman opened fire on the final day of classes at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte, killing two people and wounding four others -- three of them critically, authorities said. The shooter, 22, was a former student.

This is a University, not a typical school that the anti-gun people talk about, but it would count as a school shooting.

May 4
Eugene, Oregon
A 21-year-old man died from a gunshot wound after being shot in a parking lot near a fraternity house at the University of Oregon.

This is not a school shooting. It took place after 1am, in the parking lot of a bar near a school.

May 7
Highlands Ranch, Colorado
One student died and eight others were injured in a shooting at the STEM School Highlands Ranch. Two male students were charged with murder and attempted murder; one of them told police he sought to target classmates who had bullied him.

This is a school shooting. That puts our total up to 5 school shootings and so far none of them have been done with a semi-auto rifle, all hand guns.

May 7
Savannah, Georgia
One Savannah State University student was shot near a campus residential facility and transported to a hospital. The student was expected to recover. The alleged shooter was not a student.

This is a school shooting, but no one died.
6 school shootings

May 17
Jacksonville, Florida
A student was shot during a spring football game at Terry Parker High School. The victim was taken to a hospital with life-threatening injuries, but police later said he was in stable condition.

Not a school shooting. It took place at 9pm outside a football game. No one was killed. Considering the stories about the area in the story, it isn't a good neighborhood and this was likely another drug deal gone bad.

June 6
A 25-year-old man was playing basketball at Genevieve Melody STEM Elementary School when he was shot in the leg, the Chicago Police Department told CNN.

Not a school shooting. It was after hours almost 8pm and it was a 25 year old man playing basketball on the school court.

June 21
Flint, Michigan
A 15-year-old student was critically injured in a shooting at a parking lot outside Carman-Ainsworth High School. The incident happened after a fight among dozens of students had broken out on school property and expanded to the area where the teen was shot, according to police.

Not a school shooting. It was after hours again, and stemmed from a fight that broke out and a kid pulled a gun.

July 1
Bronx, New York
A 13-year-old boy was shot in the chest at the School of Science and Applied Learning's playground. He was transported to the hospital in serious but stable condition.

Not a school shooting, this event like many others happened after school hours, 10pm on the schools playground.

July 2
Anchorage, Alaska
A 22-year-old shot a teenager at the basketball court of Williwaw Elementary School after a fight broke out among a group of people, according to authorities. The teen was transported to the hospital with life-threatening injuries but survived.

This like the one above it, took place after hours on the school grounds, not a school shooting.

July 11
Hartford, Connecticut
A man, 34, was riding his bike through a Bulkeley High School parking lot when he was shot at least once. He died from his injuries.

Not a school shooting, it was July and school was not in session. The 34 year old victim was shot while riding his bike across the school parking lot.

August 23
Conyers, Georgia
A 12-year-old boy was shot at Peek's Chapel Elementary School and rushed to the hospital. Another 15-year-old boy was arrested and charged with aggravated assault and aggravated battery in connection with the event.

No school shooting here either. It was after hours and kids were using the open grounds after hours.

August 24
On a playground at William C. Longstreth Elementary School, a teenager was shot in the back of the head. He was rushed to the hospital in critical condition where he would later die.

Not a school shooting. The shooting took place on a Saturday at 7pm, after school hours and on a weekend.

August 27
Los Angeles
A boy was shot in the jaw while waiting in line for school lunch at Hollenbeck Middle School. Authorities believe the shots came from off school campus.

Tough one to call, but this one wouldn't be classified as a school shooting. It was a single bullet that wasn't fired on campus, it did hit the student, but there were no sounds of gun fire and no one knew what happened to the kid until they took him to the hospital and found the bullet. No one died.

August 30
Mobile, Alabama
At least 10 teenagers were injured in a shooting at Lad Peebles Stadium during a football game between LeFlore High School and Williamson High School.

This like many of the shootings, took place after hours at the end of a football game. No one was killed.

August 30
Toledo, Ohio
A 16-year-old was shot following an altercation as crowds left a high school football game at Central Catholic High School, police say.

Not a school shooting, it took place after hours and after a football game. None of the people involved actually went to the school.

September 13
Newport News, Virginia
A teenager was shot outside Todd Stadium after a Newport News High School football game ended. The stadium is owned by Newport News Public Schools.

No school shooting, like the couple of previous shootings, this one took place after hours and after a football game.

September 14
Fort Worth, Texas
A woman and a girl were injured when a fight between a group of parents led to a shooting at an Eastern Hills Elementary School football game, police said.

No school shooting. This shooting took place at another football game on a Saturday. It claims the shooting was near an elementary school, notice it said near, not at the school.

September 16
Fayetteville, North Carolina
A 20-year-old former college football player was found with numerous gunshot wounds on Fayetteville State University's campus. He was taken to the hospital in serious condition.

Not a school shooting. The victim was found on campus but news reports indicate the shooting took place off campus.

September 20
Orangeburg, South Carolina
Two women were shot outside a South Carolina State University residential building, according to university officials. Their injuries were not life-threatening.

Another shooting that took place after hours, after 2am on a Friday night.

October 8
A gun was discharged after school hours at Westbury High School, injuring one student.

Not a school shooting, it took place after hours again.

October 9
Lowell, Massachusetts
Two men entered the playground at Greenhalge Elementary School and shot indiscriminately at children with BB guns, hitting five children. Two injured children were taken to the hospital with non-life-threatening injuries.

While this took place during school hours, can BB guns really be considered a school shooting?

October 11
Rayne, Louisiana
After a football game at Rayne High School's stadium let out, multiple shots were fired into the parking lot, according to police. One person was hit and taken to the hospital. Police have arrested the men believed to be involved in the shooting.

Not a school shooting. As has been said before, this took place after school hours and after a football game.

October 13
A 19-year-old student was shot in the abdomen and killed in a Tennessee State University dorm. The incident occurred after an 18-year-old classmate discharged a stolen gun he was playing with. The shooter and victim thought the gun was a pellet gun.

Not a school shooting. This was a case of kids playing with what they thought was a pellet gun and it went off killing one of the kids. This is why it's important for gun safety to be taught. One of the first things you are taught with a gun is: Treat it like it's loaded, check it for ammo before doing anything else with a gun.

October 18
Grambling, Louisiana
A student and a police officer were shot and injured in a Grambling State University assembly center. During an event, two men were involved in an altercation when one produced a gun and shot the other twice in the chest. As police tried to intervene, an officer was shot in the leg.
Both victims were transported to the hospital. The officer sustained non-life-threatening injuries, while the other man was in critical condition.

Not a school shooting, it was again after hours and there was a party going on.

October 22
Santa Rosa, California
A 16-year old student was shot by another student outside Ridgway High School in what police believe to be a gang-related incident. The victim was taken to the hospital and later released.

Questionable school shooting. This was outside the school and happened to be a gang related shooting, between 2 rivals. Not really the type of event that gets listed as a school shooting.
We could call this one # 7.

October 27
Laurel, Maryland
A 38-year-old woman was shot during a nighttime gathering in the parking lot of Laurel Woods Elementary School, police say.

Not a school shooting. This took place after hours and was not related to anything dealing with the school.

October 27
Clarksville, Tennessee
A 22-year-old man was shot and killed outside an Austin Peay State University residence hall. Police believe the incident was a drug deal gone wrong.

Not a school shooting, it was a drug deal gone bad.

November 3
Waco, Texas
A 30-year-old student was shot in the chest and killed in a Texas State Technical College housing facility. Police believe the 20-year-old shooter and the victim were involved in a relationship dispute that turned into a physical fight.

Not a school shooting. This shooting took place on campus housing, at 1130pm, but was a lovers fight gone wrong.

November 4
Warrensburg, Missouri
A University of Central Missouri student was shot and killed after a gun was accidentally discharged in an on-campus apartment.

Not a school shooting, this was an accidental discharge of a weapon, not a purposeful shooting.

November 5
Langston, Oklahoma
A man was shot in the leg outside a dorm on the Langston University campus. He was taken via helicopter to an Oklahoma City hospital.

Not a school shooting, it happened after hours in front of the dorms. No one killed.

As noted, a vast majority of these shootings didn't happen during school hours and happened either in dorms or outside of football games.
Mon 18 Nov, 2019 05:21 pm
It's quite telling that 'jack used that list to create the impression that children are being slaughtered every week. All he really did was prove that he's either a bullshitter, or someone who doesn't even look at the links he provides.
Tue 19 Nov, 2019 10:20 am
yeh, whats slaughtering a few kids now and then in comparison to your ability to carry and shoot at people with lotsa ammo and at high rates of delivery. They shouldna been in the way right?
Tue 19 Nov, 2019 11:04 am
Glad you brought that up. Let's get back to looking at the reversed chronological order of these 44 "school shootings" in which "children are being slaughtered."

A 19-year-old student was shot by a masked gunman while getting out of a car at Achievement Academy, a high school. His injuries were non-life-threatening. Authorities believe an altercation occurred between the victim and shooter.

So, is that your idea of school children being slaughtered, and a reason to ban guns? Simple yes or no. Then we can move on to the next shooting incident on that list.
0 Replies
Tue 19 Nov, 2019 01:48 pm
You're wrong.
Tue 19 Nov, 2019 03:47 pm
oral needs some recharging to his battries , hes not a bunny bot.
Tue 19 Nov, 2019 05:36 pm
Star Wars and World of Warcraft have been occupying much of my free time.
0 Replies
Tue 19 Nov, 2019 05:38 pm
InfraBlue wrote:
You're wrong.

No I'm not. You cannot state any motivation for outlawing pistol grips other than the fact that progressives enjoy violating people's civil liberties.
Tue 19 Nov, 2019 07:36 pm
oralloy wrote:

InfraBlue wrote:
You're wrong.

No I'm not. You cannot state any motivation for outlawing pistol grips other than the fact that progressives enjoy violating people's civil liberties.

So such grips are place on rifles for show only and not to increase their functions and deadliness?

If that is true taking a pointless piece of hardware off rifles should be something you should be demanding not me.
Tue 19 Nov, 2019 11:07 pm
Wed 20 Nov, 2019 01:51 am
Progressives sure are good at denying reality. It is abundantly clear that you cannot offer any reason for outlawing pistol grips other than the fact that progressives enjoy violating people's civil liberties.
Wed 20 Nov, 2019 01:53 am
BillRM wrote:
So such grips are place on rifles for show only and not to increase their functions and deadliness?
If that is true taking a pointless piece of hardware off rifles should be something you should be demanding not me.

I don't enjoy violating people's civil liberties like progressives do.
0 Replies

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