Quote:....but one should not launch a governmental investigation of the president without some sort of indication that a charge actually is true.
Well, that is certainly true. Why, my word,
never in the course of this nation's history has an investigation into the dealings of a sitting President or his personal life, you know like bank transactions, land deals, extramarital affairs, been launched or pushed for in the press by members of any of our distinguished political parties.
It is shocking to contemplate the
stricture on the ability of the President to govern, or to pursue a vigorous policy against the enemies of this nation, should such an inquiry be allowed to go forth. Why, my land, in such a circumstance a President might not act forcefully enough in order to avoid another barrage of accusations from his political foes that he was merely 'wagging the dog' and not acting in the best interests of the people.
Thankfully, we have the Supreme Court that will fend off any lawsuit or other attempt to look deeply, or should I say, look into at all, the current President's actions in regard to the events of 9/11 other than this already overly active, ill-conceived commission whose only mission seems to be to crucify this wonderful man in the Oval Office.
One hopes that their final report might be delayed past the summer and into the late fall, merely to give them the time they need to fully contemplate the consequences of their words, say till the fifteen of November or even later. That would serve justice well.