I'm not sure what link you are referring to?
I linked to two different Biblical translation and cross-referencing tools.
I also don't know what you are considering "Hebrew canon" in terms of being equivalent to the "Old Testament".
Do you confine your interpretations to the Tanakh?
Even if you do the Talmud alleges the extent of these works to be completed by fifth century BC, but not "canonized".
There is actually much dispute regarding when, even that section of what is in your Bible "Old Testament", became canonized.
This may be as late at 200 AD, well after the epistles of Paul.
That however is all besides your point.
I thought you were claiming that scripture favored your theology.
I am willing to even drop all historical dating of texts and simply hear you out on the basis of Biblical infallibility.
Treat me as you would a Bible believing Christian and tell me how your beliefs are Biblical.
Let's hear your best "