So, this guy I am NOW in a relationship with and I are very very good. But the other day, I was like thinking about the memories we had....and then BAM! I remembered something, and had like a whole new worry and realization..... Men, this is where you come in and seriously help me with this. I know this looks long, but it only takes 4 seconds to read, I PROMISE okay? c : <333
So, BEFORE we were girlfriend and boyfriend (3 months ago) and when he officially told me he liked me he said, "I want there to be more with you, I like you. I want to connect more with you, and before more close with you over time.... I mean, I REALLY, really like you though." I also made it VERY clear to him that I am not the kind of girl who is skanky, or wants to just mess around or have a "fun time" with a guy and be sketchy. He replied, "That's what I like about you, you are a special kind of girl. You're different

"---- Sounds great right?! Well, here is the memory that popped up that I cannot figure out..... :/
Like a week later, I had texted him saying "Hey i am gonna take a shower, than after i will send you that pic of me in the new pajamas I got!

" Because we had talked about that earlier, then he replied..."Okay awesome! Or you could just take a pic right after you get out of the shower ;D LOOOL i'm JKJK!!!!" I then said, "YEAHHH, you better be joking boy orrr else!!!" HE then replied saying, "I am of course! Not that I wouldn't like it... ^.^" ..................this is the part where it got sketchy. Here we go....
I then replied saying, "I wish you wouldn't have said that...." And he explained he was really joking, and he only said it because it's not like he would get MAD or mean over it... so I said i thought he wasn't this kind of guy, he replied: "Sarah, I am so sorry i didn't mean it.... it's one of my weaknesses :/"
He explained how girl in the past he was talking to had actually "randomly" sent him sketchy or nude pictures, and he didn't do anything to stop it, only act like it was okay. He said AFTER that all happened, however, he stopped talking to the girl because of how GUILTY and ashamed he felt.
So, here are the questions I need answers, 100%.
1. Do you really think he felt "guilty" for that and is the reason why he stopped talking to them? Or, because he barely even liked the girls so just stopped talking to them, with maybe also feeling a bit guilty cuz of that?
2. If he KNEW the "guilty and ashamed" outcome what had happened with those girls, why would he even MENTION me sending him kind of a nude pic, when IF I DID, he would end up feeling guilty and not talk to me? How does that make sense...?
3. Do you think he really just wasn't thinking about the outcome, and kind of in that moment totally forgot about the other girl situation and was just acting on hormone/boy buisness?
PLEASE, I need all of those 3 questions answered....please, I need to get past this and I am pleading with you guys..... please please please.