Re: Is it time for a 'Fat Tax'?
Grand Duke wrote:...Why shouldn't the greedy, gluttonous or lazy members of society .... pay in the form of a heavy tax on unhealthy foods? ....
Are these statements really necessary (the ones I bolded, above)? I get you when it comes to taxing junk food. Hey, go for it. But keep in mind that one of the biggest consumers of junk food I've ever known is a woman who was as thin as a model. But I was overweight even when I was a vegetarian. Yes, fewer calories tend to ensure that you are slimmer. But which calories do you cut out? Advice is conflicting. Take out the carbs? Take out the fat? Eat only before 6 PM? Eat combinations of foods? Drink protein shakes? All of these ideas have been thrown out there. Which is right? Which works? The answer, of course, is that it depends. Some ideas work for some people, others work for others.
Weight is a complicated issue. Quick fixes don't exist because body type, weight gain, weight loss, weight maintenance, etc. are almost as hard to predict as the weather. Maintenance is the hardest thing out there. Estimates are that something like fewer than 10% of all dieters can maintain their weight loss. Those are abominable statistics! What's driving that? Is it metabolism? Temptation? Weakness? How about, instead of blaming these people, scientists work on some way to help them. After all, there's a patch to help people quit smoking. Why isn't there a patch to help them lose weight, or keep it off? Yes, there is surgery, but it's dangerous. So why isn't there something that's safer that people can do to help themselves with this extremely difficult task?
Another thing, yes, you can't turn on the TV without getting a bunch of nutritional advice. You
also can't turn on the TV without seeing food everywhere. Don't believe me? Fast for a day - not even water or drinking anything (don't worry, unless you're anorectic or diabetic, this won't kill you) and watch TV all day. Work the remote and hit every channel several times. I guarantee you that you'll see food in -
* commercials
* billboards at sporting events
* sitcoms
* dramas
* films
* science fiction shows
* news programs
Oops, unless you want to watch a test pattern, the temptations are everywhere. And why should you fast when doing this (I have done this)? Because it makes it a lot more obvious. If you're well-fed, you might not notice that the sporting event you're watching is showing an athlete downing Gatorade, or the family show that's on has everyone sitting down to dinner or the news program has a consumer segment on cooking or shopping for food.