There have been many news stories recently about the effects on health of obesity and being overweight. Here's a recent one from the BBC:
The line that caught my eye was this:
If current trends continue, then obesity will shortly overtake smoking as the single biggest cause of preventable deaths in the United States. I assume that (as in many things unfortunately) the UK is not far behind.
Here in the UK, tobacco is taxed to the hilt by the government. Around 70-80% of the retail price is taken by the Government, as VAT (sales tax) and excise duty. This heavy taxation is the main reason for cigarette smuggling into Britain from mainland Europe. In certain areas of the country up to 1/3 of all cigarettes smoked are smuggled, and therefore untaxed. It costs the Government £billions, and this annoys them, obviously.
It is claimed (quite rightly IMO) that this heavy taxation is needed to fund the National Health Service's treatment of smoking-related diseases. Fine. I smoke, I pay the heavy taxes, and if/when I develope a smoking-related disease, I'll get the treatment I've paid £00,000's for over my life. It's a choice I make everytime I light up.
My major question to you all is this:
Why shouldn't the greedy, gluttonous or lazy members of society (around 60% of Americans and 40% of Britons) who allow themselves to become overweight (to the point of developing a weight-related disease which will cost the economy more than smokers) pay in the form of a heavy tax on unhealthy foods? By making unhealthy foods expensive, it may also encourage people to eat more healthily in the first place, reducing their chances of getting a weight-problem.
PS. I don't believe myself to be a body-facist, just a realist.