@High Resolution,
Hello Friends,
“Depression has been labeled the common cold of psychopathology” (Gilbert, 1992, p. 3). This abnormal state includes “changes in appearance, attitude, behavior, and thinking” (Ostow, 1970, p. 12). Depression is America’s number one emotional illness, and it is rising (LaHaye, 1974). One in six people in the U.S. has a depressive episode in their lifetime (Womens Health Channel, 2003). “In the opinion of many researchers, more human suffering results from depression than from any other disease affecting mankind” (LaHaye, 1974, p. 16).
Life is difficult. Among work, relationships, and crises, many claim depression. But what differentiates the depression of a bad grade on a test from the depression caused by the death of a loved one? People are so quick to throw around this word that it has lost its meaning in contemporary society and has become less recognized as the serious and prevalent disorder that it is. I have watched a close family member suffer at the hand of this terrible illness. I have witnessed the depths to which it will drag its hostage and the devastation it will inflict upon a life. If this disease of the mind is so common, why do we shun it? The solution is clear: Through increased awareness and understanding of depression, we can begin to bridge the gap between “normal” society and those who feel like outcasts in their world of darkness.
Thanks and Regards,
Milon Jones