ehBeth wrote:If Setanta had a gun anywhere around here,
I'd think he was foolish regardless of what he did with it.
Even if he saved your life with it ??
Will u address that question ?
ehBeth wrote:When was the last time YOU saw a coyote?
Never, so far as I remember.
ehBeth wrote:we seem them reasonably regularly in this part of the city.
A gun is useless in dealing with a coyote.
I was indirectly referring to the untimely death
of 19 year old Canadian girl singer Taylor Mitchell in 2009,
when she was
un-armed. I thought it was a shame.
I wish that she 'd had a gun; a nice .44 revolver.
ehBeth wrote:In both examples you provide, I'd call him stupid for not handling the gun properly
and/or not assessing the situation sufficiently.
If the coyote were muching on u,
maybe Setanta 'd not want to lose too much of u down his throat ?
Is it possible that u might be
urging him on to greater speed,
in that circumstance? (granted: it
is a quick way to lose weight)