Actually Frank, this reminds me of another joke I heard, in off all places, an AA meeting (don't get me started on AA)
A man was down on his luck, and going door to door to businesses looking for a job. Being uneducated he was having no luck. Finally he went into a whore house and asked if there was any type of work he could do. The madam said "Actually, we're looking for a bookkeeper" The man replied. "I can't do that, you see, I can't read, and I can't write"
The madam didn't have any other jobs for him, so sent him on his way, giving him an apple for his trouble.
The man stood on the corner, shining the apple on his lapel, and was about to take a bite, when another man walked by and said, "I'm really hungry, I'll give you a dollar for the apple.
Our man took the dollar, thought about it, and went down to a fruit stand, bought a bucks worth of fruit and little by slowly at first built up his fledgling business.
20 years later, he was the largest purveyor of fruits and vegetables in the western half of the country, and was going to be interviewed by a magazine. Before the interview, he was asked to look over and sign some releases.
He said "I'm sorry, I can read, and I can't write"
The interviewer, shocked said "You've made millions and you can read or write? Just imagine where you'd be if you had that education."
Yeah.....I would have been a bookkeeper at a whorehouse.