H2O MAN wrote:
Foofie, wouldn't you agree that a dead intruder is a good intruder?
Not if his relatives will sue the homeowner for everything they may have for unwarranted murder.
Plus, while I am not Catholic, I believe there is a certain concept in Catholicism regarding charity, whereby if someone has two winter coats, and someone else has no winter coats, the coatless person should be able to have one of the two coats from the two coat owner. It's just a concept, I believe; however, that means that there are people that have a different concept of personal property, based on need. So, if an intruder is ready to take that which he needs for himself or family, there are people that might say that does not warrant killing the person, since life is more precious than inanimate objects.
But, to answer you original question that was a leading question, in my opinion, I'll answer the question by saying that a "good intruder" is a repentant intruder that apologizes for his intrusion, and offers to get Chinese food nearby, so we can break bread together, so to speak.
Do you know how many people intrude on my thoughts with idle talk, or intrusive behavior. If intrusion was dealt with lightening bolts from divine retribution (for intruding on Foofie's thoughts), many people would be dead for intruding into my day. So, in my opinion, intrusion is not just into one's home. Many posters even intrude into one's posts. Perhaps, you did just that with your post above. Your pennance is just reading my reply.
In my opinion, you are a product of the world you have lived in, and it placed a very high value on having one's own "toys" to play with throughout one's life.
By the way, on radio there was a caller that pointed out that the military has an annual health assessment form that specifically asks if one owns guns, and if so, how many, and how they are kept. It might just be that the military is ahead of the civilian population in recognizing that guns are for wars, and private ownership should be part of one's personal record. Apparently, the civilian population may be behind the times.