I actually agree but your point doesnt go far enough. I feel that several items of gun design need to be put to a Constitutional test.
Weve HAD full=auto weapons and sawed offs on the "dangerous weapon" category for many years. So additional design features of guns becoming a "military style" weapon should be pursued as part of a deeper parsing of the 2nd Amendment. Right now the 2nd amendment is full of vague "incluiveness" Thta guys like you seem to think was already on the framers minds.
I dont think Mdison thought that full autos were something that he could imagine. They had muskets and single shot pistols . So, it will be up to us to MAKE guns more safe while not fully disssembling the Constitution.
In the wake of the most recent mass gun murder of the 6 year old kids
I am quite in support of
1Defining nd controlling access to guns by individuals who cannot be trusted
2I am in favor of retrofit design and new design of schools nd public buildings to disallow easy entry with guns
3I am quite in favor of specific armed and individuals trained in ACTIVE INTERDICTION in schools, churches and other public fora like shopping malls and ball prks (they are already on duty in governmental buildings)
4.I am finally (And not lastly) in favor of the restructuring of the 2nd Amenment to diffuse the nutty access to all kinds of guns in all kinds of numbers. I am in favor of changing teh 2nd amendment (BY further amendment0 to change the "allowables and non allowables " in gun designs
Ive said this in the past that the exchange of the 2nd amendment for something more reasonable that guarantees our protection, will be multigenerational and will, sadly only happen after sebveral more of these sad vents.
The second amendment DOES NOT guarantee carte blanche access to components that can turn guns into rapid killing death dealing machines operable by idiots and nuts. The 2nd amendment has had an easy ride backed by vocal supporters, lobbies of the manufactureres and by money accepting gutless politicin whove turned our country into Bosnia.
The Connecticut event may be the one that "turns the tide" of support toward gun safety.Maybe not, it may take many more of these sad days, but sooner or later, our civilization will mature into one that recognizes that , while we can regulate the **** out of every piece of playground equipment to make em safer, we CANNOT touch the biggest source of death to little kids, the semi auto pistol and rifle.