How Do We Survive This
By Neal Boortz
I firmly believe that it is, and always has been, Barack Obama’s intention to destroy this country as we know it and build it into a Marxist utopia he only dreamt about as a child. If Obama accomplishes the “fundamental transformation” he promised us, the freedom that you love, and millions have served to protect, will be nothing more than a concept read about in history books. Even then, the government schools will somehow manage to screw it up!
But the Senate Budget Committee released an analysis which shows that federal means-tested welfare spending will increase 80% over the next decade. That will swallow roughly one quarter of our cumulative federal spending at a cost of $11 trillion. Now, consider the fact that the federal government currently takes in about $3 trillion in revenue. While we are comparing current revenues to future expenditures, we are talking about over three times as much spending going just towards welfare as we take in in revenues. After all, there is only so much wealth that can be created within the next ten years. What does this mean? More national debt! A lot more.
I saw this quote in an IBD Editorial and found it to be appropriate right about now:
To preserve our liberty, Jefferson wrote, "we must not let our rulers load us with perpetual debt. We must make our election between economy and liberty, or profusion and servitude."
We are most assuredly at the latter … the re-election of Barack Obama solidified that one. Big time.