Tue 8 Jan, 2013 05:52 am
Does "Results show no effect of the experimental variables on perceived weakness" mean "Results show that the experimental variables have had no effect on perceived weakness"?
The stigma of mental health treatment in the military may operate via the stereotype that soldiers who seek treatment are weak. Perceptions of weakness derive from the belief that treatment violates military norms of group cohesion and individualistic coping. This vignette study
examines the effects of group-centric motivation and a shared ingroup on weakness perceptions. Results show no effect of the experimental variables on perceived weakness. However results yield support for the hypothesis that contact with others who have sought treatment will reduce
stigma. Also, officers stereotyped treatment seekers as weak more than did junior enlisted personnel.
Quote:Does "Results show no effect of the experimental variables on perceived weakness" mean "Results show that the experimental variables have had no effect on perceived weakness"?
Yes, it is the same exact thing...
But I would put ....Weaknesses...and make it plural...