Palpitations are directly related only to your anxiety in electro-nervous system sense.
The spinning and assorted disorders, are linked to three things,
1. Inactivity - leading to two.
2. Circulatory issues, brought about by slowed heart rate through immunity building in terms of electrical path finding normal routine, which anxiety causes to certain extents if it is happening in small or large part a lot. (you may find you get cold on occasion when everyone else is warm).
3. Mental perception of disturbing situations.. It may not be as disorientating as you think, stand up and walk through it, develop self assertion and things get better.. Doctors will advise you different, due to safety concerns, but mine went away with this stratagem as deduced by myself.
In short, eat well, have a certain increasing regime of exercise to the point that you feel stronger then back off a notch and do not overdo it.
Take some lucozade to start you off. Coupled with a few very healthy meals, high in protein gradually fading to high in vegetable matter for optimum effect. Oranges and apples are a good stockpile. Vitamin C and multivitamins are a daily bonus. Cabbage is very good to eat raw whilst you build resistance.
Tescos and Morrisons do a very nice selection of raw bagged veg, which you can eat like crisps and smoothies are expensive but effective, make sure pure, with bits is best.