I din't say America has no culture, I said it doesn't have a definable culture.
And anyone that doesn't agree is either full of sophistry or ignorant.
(Sounded just as stupid when I said, as when you did.)
Very complicated question. Mall culture is homogenizing the U.S. but regional differences are still very strong strong. However,we still revere the myths of individualism, self reliance, and optimism.
What is the difference beteen a culture and a definable culture? Is there any, or are you just playing word games?
Our music is the creation of black American geniuses like Louis Armstrong, Bessie Smith, Sidney Bechet, Charlie Parker, and Miles Davis. The blues and jazz are the great musical heritage of this country and are recognized as such around the world. When I was in St. Petersburg, Russia, I heard streetcorner musicians playing Dixieland jazz.
That's about as "definable" as you can get, my friend.
Larry...I agree.
If there's one thing that binds AMericans with the rest of the world it has to be our Rock& Roll, Jazz and Blues.
New Haven, American culture extends beyond music. American movies, clothes, food, scientists, writers, and many other things are very popular world-wide. Many in the world like our culture, but not our politics - at least for the moment. c.i.
Why should we reduce the term "culture" only to literature, music and fine arts? Technology and science are also important parts of the human culture. And we must not forget that the USA is a homeland of such inventions as telephone, electric light, aircraft, polyo vaccine, nuclear weapon, transistor, integrated microcircuit, computer, Internet and many other things.
Levi's Jeans, The Big Mac and Pepsi.
Pepsi has a website devoted to Arab countries. I tried to access the site and I was DENIED>>>>>
How did it happen? Did the site webmaster suspect you in being a Jew?
Well, not only Big Mac was invented in the USA, but the very concept of the fast food. This thing is somewhat controversial, since fast food is not necessary the healthy food, but we cannot deny the commercial success of such a concept.
steissd, Just because something is offered, doesn't necessarily make it 'healthy.' It's called "choice." Look at how successful Coke is in this world. I drank coke almost daily as a young fellow, because I liked it, but is it good for you/me? I doubt it.
Those were the days of the "Real Coke"!
steissd wrote:How did it happen? Did the site webmaster suspect you in being a Jew?
Do you think, Americans are so much anti-semitic?
Well, I pointed the controversial character of the fast food concept. The same refers to the cold drinks containing sugar and caffeine.
No, not the Americans. Arabs are, and the Arab division of the site may be operated locally in some Arab country.
Interesting...I don't know why I was denied access. I should contact Pepsi.
It is an Arab controlled site. What's the deal with Arab Pepsico anyway?
Actually, the 'Big Mac' was created in the USA, but the American hamburger is a relatively recent creation. Hamburgers were not commonly made in America until the early 20th century. The first hamburger fast-food chain was White Castle, founded in 1916 by J. Walter Anderson of Wichita, Kansas.
'Fast food' is known in history before Europeans came to America (Reay Tannahill Food in History, New York: Crown, 1988).
Regarding the other inventions, claimed by sĀ“teissd to be made by US-Americans, I'm not sure, if all were done that way :wink:
Did the site require autentification that included provision of information regarding location and citizenship?