I have been talking to my medical team and they are fully aware and i go in for a physical tomorrow ,i first meet for 40 mins with a medical care coordinator and then another 40 mins with the MD.
My therapist dropped me as a client cause if i attempted sucide or such an she the therapist on record an i dont see her for a long time then she thinks she could possibly loose license and she doesnt want to take that risk
And she said she also exs patients who cancel all sessions with her so apparently im not the only one and she keeps saying well i respect you and your feelings
And called my medical clinic sucidal and wanting to self harm they transferred me to a nurse who was working on the floor -and she talked an i did to ,asked questions and then tried to make me give my home number to talk to a parent but im like im an adult and before at the other clinic it was not required .
So she settled for talking to my doc and said more then likely call me back but no one did .so i dont know what happened and i go in to the clinic for a physical
I have an intake July 9th for assertive community treatment program