I was going to use the term “referenced guessing” as in a referenced paper. It was just that I couldn’t get the gentle philosophy dig in with that phrasing.
For me any pretention comes with the concept that one person’s thoughts are philosophy the thoughts of the “Great Unwashed” are of little or no consequence.
The reason I “lightly” hold that belief is because in my various careers one constant has been having to make sense of very complicated information to the point of being able to teach it or apply it to real world problems. In my careers I cannot remember looking at something and being completely stumped in making sense of the material. Sometime it took time and effort but it was never impossible. I have read “philosophy”, both from experts and others commenting on those experts that was absolutely inscrutable to me. Others, after much head scratching, turned out to be saying simple things in seemingly the most unintelligible way possible. The conclusion one is supposed to draw seems to be just how cognitively far above the masses the writer is rather than providing any meaningful or useful concepts.
When I was seriously researching mythology/religion I found people like Nietzsche, Schopenhauer, Hinriech Zimmer Jr., Otto Rank, Jung, etc., helpful and could never figure out why Rank and Jung aren’t considered philosophers by most people.