How can something come from nothing?

The Anointed
Reply Thu 29 Jul, 2021 04:30 pm
When man has developed the technology to convert any so call physical object into its basic energy components and teleport it over vast distances in practically zero time, and because of its own unique energy signature, is able to reconstruct it to its original form, and believe me mate, man will do it. It is recorded in man's psyche.

In 1935, Einstein and physicist Nathan Rosen used the theory of general relativity to elaborate on the idea of black holes and worm holes, proposing the existence of "bridges" through space-time. These bridges connect two different points in space-time, theoretically creating a shortcut that could reduce travel time and distance; Billions of light years to mere kilo-metres.

Any object going into a black hole would be ripped apart by the intense gravitational force inside the black hole and re-converted to the photons from which it was originally created.

In 1963, New Zealand mathematician Roy Kerr, calculated an exact solution for Einstein’s field equations representing a Kerr black hole. The special feature of a Kerr black hole is that it rotates. So far as scientists know, all objects in the universe rotate, including stars, so when the star collapses into a black hole, it’s likely that it too will rotate.

In Kerr’s solution, it’s actually possible for the electromagnetic energy from which this universe and all herein was created, the quantum of that energy, being photons, to travel through the rotating black hole and could come out of the white hole at the other side.

Those rotating black holes, which were created from the supernova and collapse of gigantic stars, are seen as swirling funnels, which are formed in the galaxies, much like the funnel in a Thunderstorm.

A worm Hole could theoretically be used as a method of sending information or travelers through space, unfortunately, physical matter which includes humans journeying through the space tunnels would appear to be an impossibility as there are strong indications that material objects travelling through a worm hole is forbidden by the law of physics, but not the law of quantum physics.

Now that it has been discovered that Physical matter is but an illusion, and all is, but the eternal energy, I have no doubts that one day. During the coming thousand years of peace, new technology will develop a way to teleport bodies of energy along light beams, or through worm holes, and reconstruct them to their original form, with no damage done: ‘Beam me up Scotty?’

Not all will still be on this earth when the heavenly fire as prophesied, will incinerate all physical life forms on this planet, not all will fall asleep in death as Paul said, but at the sound of the last trumpet, 'WE' shall be changed in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, from bodies of corruptible matter into glorious bodies of brilliant and blinding light.

Zephaniah 1: 18; On the day when the LORD shows his fury, not even all their silver and gold will save them. The whole earth will be destroyed by the fire of his anger. He will put an end — a sudden end — to everyone who lives on earth. "Everyone who lives on earth," being the operative sentence.

Revelation 20: 7; After the thousand years are over, (The future great Sabbath of which the weekly Sabbath was but a shadow of that future event) Satan will be let loose from his prison, and he will go out to deceive the nations scattered over the whole world, that is, Gog and Magog. Satan will bring them all together for battle, as many as the grains of sand on the seashore. 9They spread out over the earth and surrounded the camp of God's people and the city that he loves. But fire came down from heaven and destroyed them.

But will there be anyone, still in the city of God's people?
The Anointed
Reply Thu 29 Jul, 2021 04:54 pm
@The Anointed,
Has piggy never heard of the rapture? See previous post.
Reply Thu 29 Jul, 2021 07:28 pm
@The Anointed,
Piggy thinks that at last Lord would rather anoint anyone of the primate on the Earth because Lord really doesn’t know how to paint his ointment on something illusive such as your body.
0 Replies
The Anointed
Reply Fri 30 Jul, 2021 03:28 am
@The Anointed,
Adam and Eve were cast down from Paradise to the earth and given physical bodies of flesh, blood, bone and animal skin, after the destruction on earth, of the ruling body of the upright walking reptiles, the dinosaurs, whose earthly descendants now crawl in the dust.

Only when mankind is destroyed by a cataclysmic event, is the umbilical cord that binds the ‘SON OF MAN’ to his mother body ‘EVE,’ who has become the body of mankind, severed, and the fourth dimensional Son of Man is born.

And according to scripture, Eve was told that she would be reunited with her Lord, six days after he died in the first day, at the age of 930 after eating of the forbidden fruit: For in the day thou eat thereof said the Lord, in that day ye shall die.

Jubilees 4: 30; And he (ADAM) lacked seventy years of one thousand years; for one thousand years are as one day in the testimony of the heavens and therefore was it written concerning the tree of knowledge: ’On the day that ye eat thereof ye shall die.’ For this reason, he did not complete the years of this day; for he died during it.

It is after the Day of the Lord, ‘The seventh period of One thousand years,’ the Great Sabbath of which the weekly Sabbath was but a shadow of that future reality, (See Colossians 2: 16-17.) that heavenly fire incinerates all physical life forms that remain on this planet, and the androgynous body of Eve (The body of Mankind) is reunited with her Lord.

According to the ancient scriptures, after Adam had died, Michael was ordered to reveal to Seth how the bodies of man should be mummified and preserved. The body of Adam was then placed in a stone sarcophagus and hidden in the mountain, where the door opens to receive the chest of Adam, this was done said the Lord, in order that no one could interfere with the body, until his rib will have returned to him.

It is also written that Noah took the sarcophagus of Adam on the ark, and in the Book of the Conflicts of Adam we read; “Melchizedec and the three sons of Noah reach a spot where the rock opens and receives the chest containing the body of Adam and the four sacred tokens. There Melchizedec remains, clothed and girded with fire, to serve God before the body of Adam to all time.”

The four sacred tokens I believe, are the four aromatic plants, “Crocus, Calamus, Cinnamon and Nard,’ that Adam was allowed to take from Paradise as he was being driven out and returned to the earth from which he had been created. Would it still be possible today, for the cells of the angelic preserved body of Adam to be cloned?

It is in that thousand years of peace, where, in my opinion, all our resources will be used to prepare for the ultimate destruction of all physical life forms that remain on this planet. Knowing that which is to occur after the one thousand year Sabbath has ended, when heavenly fire incinerates the surface of the earth, with the great wealth that will be paid in tribute by the nations of the world during that thousand year rule of our king and high priest, genetic banks of all physical life forms will be created, (The Ark) and sent to a place of safety in order that when the incinerated earth is once again able to sustain physical life forms, Plants will be planted, animals will be created anew, and when the system for the sustainability of mankind has been put in place, the Lord, our brother, king, and high priest will say, "And now, let us make man in our image and likeness." And a new and more humble Race of men will people this earth.

"Under the guidance of Jupiter (Planet) man prepares, by means of religious exercises, for the journey to the life beyond, and he attains rest under the influence of Saturn." (Basra Encyclopedia)- De Boer, Philosophy in Islam, p 88.

The water ocean on Enceladus, a moon that orbits the planet Saturn, is about 6 miles (10 kilometers) deep and lies beneath a shell of ice 19 to 25 miles (30 to 40 km) thick, researchers said. Further, it's in direct contact with a rocky seafloor, theoretically making possible all kinds of complex chemical reactions — such as, perhaps, the kind that led to the rise of life on Earth.

"The world being melted and re-entered into the bosom of Jupiter, this God continues for some time totally con-centered in himself: . . . afterwards we see a new world spring from him, perfect in all its parts; animals are produced anew; an innocent race of man is formed under more favourable auspices, in order to people this earth." " Seneca, Epist, 9, and Qucest. Nat. L. 3, c, ult.

When referring to the fourth dimension I am speaking of the Minkowskian notion of time as being the fourth dimension. As in the fact that we can move forward and backward, [One dimension], sideways, [Two dimensions], up and down, [Three dimensions], and through time; [Four dimensions], and not that which is called 4- dimension Euclidean space.
Frank Apisa
Reply Fri 30 Jul, 2021 03:56 am
@The Anointed,
The Anointed wrote:

Adam and Eve were cast down from Paradise to the earth and given physical bodies of flesh, blood, bone and animal skin, after the destruction on earth, of the ruling body of the upright walking reptiles, the dinosaurs, whose earthly descendants now crawl in the dust.

Only when mankind is destroyed by a cataclysmic event, is the umbilical cord that binds the ‘SON OF MAN’ to his mother body ‘EVE,’ who has become the body of mankind, severed, and the fourth dimensional Son of Man is born.

And according to scripture, Eve was told that she would be reunited with her Lord, six days after he died in the first day, at the age of 930 after eating of the forbidden fruit: For in the day thou eat thereof said the Lord, in that day ye shall die.

Jubilees 4: 30; And he (ADAM) lacked seventy years of one thousand years; for one thousand years are as one day in the testimony of the heavens and therefore was it written concerning the tree of knowledge: ’On the day that ye eat thereof ye shall die.’ For this reason, he did not complete the years of this day; for he died during it.

It is after the Day of the Lord, ‘The seventh period of One thousand years,’ the Great Sabbath of which the weekly Sabbath was but a shadow of that future reality, (See Colossians 2: 16-17.) that heavenly fire incinerates all physical life forms that remain on this planet, and the androgynous body of Eve (The body of Mankind) is reunited with her Lord.

According to the ancient scriptures, after Adam had died, Michael was ordered to reveal to Seth how the bodies of man should be mummified and preserved. The body of Adam was then placed in a stone sarcophagus and hidden in the mountain, where the door opens to receive the chest of Adam, this was done said the Lord, in order that no one could interfere with the body, until his rib will have returned to him.

It is also written that Noah took the sarcophagus of Adam on the ark, and in the Book of the Conflicts of Adam we read; “Melchizedec and the three sons of Noah reach a spot where the rock opens and receives the chest containing the body of Adam and the four sacred tokens. There Melchizedec remains, clothed and girded with fire, to serve God before the body of Adam to all time.”

The four sacred tokens I believe, are the four aromatic plants, “Crocus, Calamus, Cinnamon and Nard,’ that Adam was allowed to take from Paradise as he was being driven out and returned to the earth from which he had been created. Would it still be possible today, for the cells of the angelic preserved body of Adam to be cloned?

It is in that thousand years of peace, where, in my opinion, all our resources will be used to prepare for the ultimate destruction of all physical life forms that remain on this planet. Knowing that which is to occur after the one thousand year Sabbath has ended, when heavenly fire incinerates the surface of the earth, with the great wealth that will be paid in tribute by the nations of the world during that thousand year rule of our king and high priest, genetic banks of all physical life forms will be created, (The Ark) and sent to a place of safety in order that when the incinerated earth is once again able to sustain physical life forms, Plants will be planted, animals will be created anew, and when the system for the sustainability of mankind has been put in place, the Lord, our brother, king, and high priest will say, "And now, let us make man in our image and likeness." And a new and more humble Race of men will people this earth.

"Under the guidance of Jupiter (Planet) man prepares, by means of religious exercises, for the journey to the life beyond, and he attains rest under the influence of Saturn." (Basra Encyclopedia)- De Boer, Philosophy in Islam, p 88.

The water ocean on Enceladus, a moon that orbits the planet Saturn, is about 6 miles (10 kilometers) deep and lies beneath a shell of ice 19 to 25 miles (30 to 40 km) thick, researchers said. Further, it's in direct contact with a rocky seafloor, theoretically making possible all kinds of complex chemical reactions — such as, perhaps, the kind that led to the rise of life on Earth.

"The world being melted and re-entered into the bosom of Jupiter, this God continues for some time totally con-centered in himself: . . . afterwards we see a new world spring from him, perfect in all its parts; animals are produced anew; an innocent race of man is formed under more favourable auspices, in order to people this earth." " Seneca, Epist, 9, and Qucest. Nat. L. 3, c, ult.

When referring to the fourth dimension I am speaking of the Minkowskian notion of time as being the fourth dimension. As in the fact that we can move forward and backward, [One dimension], sideways, [Two dimensions], up and down, [Three dimensions], and through time; [Four dimensions], and not that which is called 4- dimension Euclidean space.

It is pathetic that supposedly intelligent adults can buy into a mythology of such amateurish make-up as this.

Of course, it possibly could be true. Anything not established as impossible...is possible.

But to guess this is the REALITY makes as much sense as guessing that Alice in Wonderland is a biography of sorts.
Reply Fri 30 Jul, 2021 04:47 am
@Frank Apisa,
we have a holy roller church down near the state line and they leave their insane skrees at local amish groceries. The Amsh dont really monitor this kind a idiocy so they just let the "Litrature committees" just pile that **** up on a table near the doors where we can get hold of it and try to figure out whats on thir minds when they wrote it.
When Rev Jamie Coots made a terminal career move about 15 yr ago at the assistance of a pair of Kentucky Timber rattlesnakes", his "anointed flock" modified their missions to add to their preaching about Coots "Victory over death at the hands of the Lord", when indeed, all he did was show how fuckin dumb he was to actually believe that Mark 16:18 was science. "Noints" herein is probably of the same ilk except he more liberally peppers real wiki quotes into his blather.

I just have to read his **** cause its like a foggy day car wreck on Cal 99 , everybody believes they can drive 75 cause they are protected in their metal shells,accoutered with the latest safety equipment. So we have 40 car pileups and 10's of people killd and maimed because of dumass beliefs like the rev Coonts and our own Noints.

At least Noints isnt askin you to French Kiss a Massasauga .
The Anointed
Reply Fri 30 Jul, 2021 04:53 am
@The Anointed,
You'll wake up to the truth one day old mate, I only hope that it's not too late for you.
Frank Apisa
Reply Fri 30 Jul, 2021 08:50 am
farmerman wrote:

we have a holy roller church down near the state line and they leave their insane skrees at local amish groceries. The Amsh dont really monitor this kind a idiocy so they just let the "Litrature committees" just pile that **** up on a table near the doors where we can get hold of it and try to figure out whats on thir minds when they wrote it.
When Rev Jamie Coots made a terminal career move about 15 yr ago at the assistance of a pair of Kentucky Timber rattlesnakes", his "anointed flock" modified their missions to add to their preaching about Coots "Victory over death at the hands of the Lord", when indeed, all he did was show how fuckin dumb he was to actually believe that Mark 16:18 was science. "Noints" herein is probably of the same ilk except he more liberally peppers real wiki quotes into his blather.

I just have to read his **** cause its like a foggy day car wreck on Cal 99 , everybody believes they can drive 75 cause they are protected in their metal shells,accoutered with the latest safety equipment. So we have 40 car pileups and 10's of people killd and maimed because of dumass beliefs like the rev Coonts and our own Noints.

At least Noints isnt askin you to French Kiss a Massasauga .

The fact that there are people who walk among us...who buy into that **** to the degree this guy does...is mindboggling.

But...to each his/her own.
Reply Fri 30 Jul, 2021 08:52 am
@Frank Apisa,
some people read Alley Oop and think its science based
Reply Fri 30 Jul, 2021 08:53 am
@The Anointed,

You'll wake up to the truth one day old mate, I only hope that it's not too late for you

you know this how?
Reply Fri 30 Jul, 2021 07:00 pm
some people read Alley Oop and think its science based

Some people read Scientific American and think it's all science based.

You gonna defend that article or not, 'science guy'.
0 Replies
The Anointed
Reply Fri 30 Jul, 2021 08:17 pm
Because I know that energy can never be created nor every be destroyed, and it is that energy which was spewed out in the trillions upon trillions of degrees when the singularity of origin was spatially separated in the event that is called 'The Big Bang' which energy is eternal, having neither beginning or end. The eternal energy from which, by which, and for which this universe and all herein has been created.

And although you refuse to believe this, there is no way scientifically that you can disprove this truth.

Science is beginning to now believe that which our ancestors knew thousands of years ago, and that is, that we live in an eternal oscillating universe.

According to the ancients, we live in an eternal oscillating universe that expands outward and contracts back to its beginning in space time, a living universal being who is all that exists, and in who, all that is, exists. A universe that exists in the two states of seemingly visible matter and invisible energy.

“Universe after universe is like an interminable succession of wheels forever coming into view, forever rolling onwards, disappearing and reappearing; forever passing from being to non-being, and again from non-being to being. In short, the constant revolving of the wheel of life in one eternal cycle, according to fixed and immutable laws, is perhaps after all, the sum and substance of the philosophy of Buddhism. And this eternal wheel has so to speak, six spokes representing six forms of existence.” ---- Mon. Williams, Buddhism, pp. 229, 122.

HE, who is all that exists, is the collective consciousness of all the life forms that exist. and all are merely information gathers for HIM, who retains all that information, when he returns to HIS invisible period.

He is the divine realty of the universe, the eternal Spirit from which all being originates and to who all must return at the close of each period of universal activity.

But like I have said; "You'll wake up to the truth one day old mate, I only hope that it's not too late for you."

Reply Fri 30 Jul, 2021 11:40 pm
I can see farmerman now, lit up like a neon sign, on his way to the holy place you've laid out for him with Burma Shave style signs to help along the way. Completely shed of the evil sciences that corrupt the spirit of the human race, sailing off like Tinkerbell to Never Never Land.
The Anointed
Reply Fri 30 Jul, 2021 11:49 pm
Fair dinkum mate, is that truly what you see? or do we reject your words as coming from a delusional mind. as usual.
0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Reply Sat 31 Jul, 2021 03:06 am
@The Anointed,
The Anointed wrote:

Because I know that energy can never be created nor every be destroyed, and it is that energy which was spewed out in the trillions upon trillions of degrees when the singularity of origin was spatially separated in the event that is called 'The Big Bang' which energy is eternal, having neither beginning or end. The eternal energy from which, by which, and for which this universe and all herein has been created.

And although you refuse to believe this, there is no way scientifically that you can disprove this truth.

Science is beginning to now believe that which our ancestors knew thousands of years ago, and that is, that we live in an eternal oscillating universe.

According to the ancients, we live in an eternal oscillating universe that expands outward and contracts back to its beginning in space time, a living universal being who is all that exists, and in who, all that is, exists. A universe that exists in the two states of seemingly visible matter and invisible energy.

“Universe after universe is like an interminable succession of wheels forever coming into view, forever rolling onwards, disappearing and reappearing; forever passing from being to non-being, and again from non-being to being. In short, the constant revolving of the wheel of life in one eternal cycle, according to fixed and immutable laws, is perhaps after all, the sum and substance of the philosophy of Buddhism. And this eternal wheel has so to speak, six spokes representing six forms of existence.” ---- Mon. Williams, Buddhism, pp. 229, 122.

HE, who is all that exists, is the collective consciousness of all the life forms that exist. and all are merely information gathers for HIM, who retains all that information, when he returns to HIS invisible period.

He is the divine realty of the universe, the eternal Spirit from which all being originates and to who all must return at the close of each period of universal activity.

But like I have said; "You'll wake up to the truth one day old mate, I only hope that it's not too late for you."

Your blind guesses about the REALITY may be correct. Of course, they also may be dead wrong. Either way, you offer them to the public sounding like a major league nut case.

If you want the TRUTH, though, here it is. Every indication is that YOU do not KNOW any more about the REALITY than anyone else living. All you can do is to make those blind guesses. The problem is that you spew them out to the world as though you are revealing some great truth that you KNOW...with your unchecked narcissism coating every word you write. You seem incapable of offering your blind guesses as guesses...as one possible explanation of the REALITY.

I do thank you for the entertainment value of your raving and ranting, though. In many ways, it is cute.

The Anointed
Reply Sat 31 Jul, 2021 03:40 am
@Frank Apisa,
The fact that energy cannot be created nor ever be destroyed, is not a guess of mine.

The fact that the electromagnetic energy that was spewed out in the trillions upon trillions of degrees when the singularity of our origin was spatially separated in the event called the big bang and has become this universe and all that exists, is not my guess old mate.

What you are saying is that the greatest scientific minds of today, haven't got a clue as to what they are saying, and are only making guess's.

And you don't know anything one way or another do you old mate, because you, as a self confessed agnostic, are unconcerned and uncommitted on any subject at issue.

At the moment of the big bang there was nothing but that energy, so tell me. what was this universe created from? and by what was this universe created? and for what was this universe created?
Frank Apisa
Reply Sat 31 Jul, 2021 03:51 am
@The Anointed,
The Anointed wrote:

The fact that energy cannot be created nor ever be destroyed, is not a guess of mine.

The fact that the electromagnetic energy that was spewed out in the trillions upon trillions of degrees when the singularity of our origin was spatially separated in the event called the big bang and has become this universe and all that exists, is not my guess old mate.

What you are saying is that the greatest scientific minds of today, haven't got a clue as to what they are saying, and are only making guess's.

And you don't know anything one way or another do you old mate, because you, as a self confessed agnostic, are unconcerned and uncommitted on any subject at issue.

At the moment of the big bang there was nothing but that energy, so tell me. what was this universe created from? and by what was this universe created? and for what was this universe created?

Here is what I have said:

I do not know if any GOD (or gods) exist or not;
I see no reason to suspect that gods cannot exist…that the existence of a GOD or gods is impossible;
I see no reason to suspect that at least one GOD must exist...that the existence of at least one GOD is needed to explain existence;
I do not see enough unambiguous evidence upon which to base a meaningful guess in either direction on whether any gods exist or not...

...so I don't.

(When I use the word "GOD or gods" here, I mean "The entity (or entities) responsible for the creation of what we humans call 'the physical universe'...IF SUCH AN ENTITY OR ENTITIES ACTUALLY EXIST.)

If you see anything wrong in there...point it out.

The Anointed
Reply Sat 31 Jul, 2021 04:57 am
@Frank Apisa,
No! I don’t see anything wrong there, it is all exactly as I have said, you are unconcerned and uncommitted on the subject at issue. You admit that you don’t know if any God exists, but then you admit that you don’t know if any God does not exist.

You see no reason to suspect that gods cannot exist, nor do you see any reason to suspect that the existence of any god is needed to explain existence. You don’t see enough unambiguous evidence upon which to base a meaningful guess in either direction on whether any gods exist or not, in other words, you are uncommitted on the subject.

You go on to say; “When I use the word "GOD or gods" here, I mean "The entity (or entities) responsible for the creation of what we humans call 'the physical universe'. And then, you go on to reveal your total mental confusion, by even doubting that the entity or entities, that you referred to as god or gods. actually exist.

So, like I said, you know nothing on the subject, where as I know, according to scientific evidence, that energy is eternal, having neither beginning or end, and that it, and it alone has become this universe and all the life forms in the universe which is the eternal energy, and all the information gathered by the lifeforms that the eternal is, are stored in the ‘GREAT THOUGHT’ that is it, which is all that exists.

So, you see, I have a reason to believe that a God exists, who is all that exists and is in all that exists.
Reply Sat 31 Jul, 2021 05:47 am
@The Anointed,
where as I know, according to scientific evidence, that energy is eternal, having neither beginning or end, and that it, and it alone has become this universe and all the life forms in the universe which is the eternal energy, and all the information gathered by the lifeforms that the eternal is, are stored in the ‘GREAT THOUGHT’ that is it, which is all that exists
So this is youre basic evidence for a gods existence. I feel tht, on the other hand , a god of CREATION does not xist since all the evidence does not support a creation that is backed by intelligent thought. Instead, the act of creation (LLIFE) went on in a typically helter skelter fashion wherein evidence clearly displays this and humanity, through years of discovery (some by accident, other by plan). I would say that, of the number of scientists who profess a belief in a god, they think of her as a transcendent being with absolutely no control over lifes appearance and ascendance.

Even though wed argue that viruses are not life but on its path, We can see that, by the very existence and metering of the "Unique" Covid-19 virus, the expression of it and its mutations could hardly be recognized a ID, when human activity was incontrol of its expression from day one. I see, down the short path, the publication of several book by soe good writers in genetics and virology will explain how this was a human cluster **** tht went totally awry simply because of human fallibility..

The fact that conservation of energy is a physical law , in my mind, has no bearing on it playing any evidentiary role in assuring us that such a thing a a god even exists.

The fact that Frank is unable to confirm or deny a gods existence BY ACTUAL KNOWLEDGE, hes just being fully fact driven. I too share that as a "belief" but I carry on my life as an atheist in its truwst definition
an atheist.
A' -absence of or without
Theos- a god

All this Means is that nothing in the world can be shown as evidence for this critter. What you and Leadfoot profess is what we used to call apologetics and I was, in my youth, a strong apologeticist among my peers. In all caes, the defense of that position of "belief in aGOD" was based totally upon a \
1Divinely authored BIBLe
2Church tradition
3The Bible as an inerrant document.
**** TA theres bno evidence for any of those above bases as fact at all.
Then, there i the fact that "people of the Book" all have totally different bases of thir apologetics.
Whre the Jews and Christians were to 'DO GOOD AND AVOID EVIL"
and the writeups and patriarchs and prophets (and even gods) are totally separate and therefore the codes of ones very existence is different among these three.

Then , of course, we have hundreds of other sets of cretion beliefs , all of which also have no evidence

Other than some rather empty phrases, you guy have presented NO facts that can upport an objctive belief that what YOU believe has any fact behind it.

Menwhile science marches on and using arth as a lab of creation see that, the force that drives creation and evolution, to cince, has been the well evidenced aspect of environmental chnges (as in the Paleocene Eocene maximum temp, to the actual 4 other major catastrophies such as a planetary wide vulcanism and acidification, to two well documented bolide strikes that ended the Ordovician and the Cretaceous. In all cases, life, well established presented us with newer forms that adapted successfully to the new environments.
Simply stated, thats a well researched and documented story, replete with tons of evidence, (Among which is a fact that life wasnt ascendant by a series of missing links, but was a sloppy accomodation that arose from many many species of the same genera), (bothe plants and animals)

My sides got the fossils , the genetics, the ethological data, the geography data, and the geological record, to prove almost every tep was a sloppy hlter skelter rising up of some really freaky beings whose only role was to stay alive and reproduce, nothing Biblical about that.

SO if I must go to a fiery hell for researching facts, I dont think Id much like your "loving god" much anywy. Hes too much like Donald Trump, where everything is about him Laughing Laughing

Frank and I have spent may a blustery time accomodating our understandings and we still dont agree all the way but HELL, were Democrats and thats mostly the way dems act, nobody is forced to buy the whole ball of rice, .

0 Replies
Reply Sat 31 Jul, 2021 05:51 am
@The Anointed,
What I meant about me and Franks reaching a full asymptote is based on me not knowing whether a god or gods exist but I feel that the scientific evidence is quite strong in at least pointing to the negative,

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