No Farma, I granted him the Biblical God for the sake of arguing not because I believe it but because I want to show case internal inconsistencies. Pay attention!
It looks like Leadfoot is incapable of understanding God's attributes or properties cannot by definition be chosen by God...
PS - The point is, was, the REALITY of God himself is a priori, thus not chosen by God. Consequence, whatever reality follows from that first Reality is also a brut fact...and there you have it, design goes down the drain...
That is to mean God's internal structure, world, reality, properties, attributes, and behaviour, they all are the result of an a priori brut fact, which totally invalidates the concept of God as an agent with free will and volition.
God is left as the ground of existence but looses the personal characteristics people are so attached to. Might just call the ultimate rock and be done with it!