kiuku wrote: So maybe we are being infiltrated by The Nothing. When The Nothing infiltrates things start disappearing, or in other words, going extinct, however there for no reason at all.
Forget about the reason, just concentrate on the concept of Nothing.
If we suppose that our Universe 'along the edge/-s' is simply connected surface, closed 3D manifold, homeomorphic to a sphere, it doesn't matter what the shape might be (and who or what has created it) - it is closed space, within which the things exist. Outside that space nothing of this world exits, right?! O.K.
There are two possible cases:
The first case scenario is when outside the surface of the spherical homeomorph (that we call Universe) there is absolutely nothing, so no Nothing outside can possibly exist, if we define that Nothing cannot possibly exist into Nothing, for otherwise we have to reconsider and to revise fundamentally a lot of sciences.
The second case scenario would be the case when outside the Universe there is another World - another Universe, or anti-space of ani-matter, or any-D space (up to 11D eventually), or eversed gravitational continuum, or whatever. No 3D object, with 3D thinking and 3D understanding of the world and 3D shape can pass through that edge/-s - neither physically nor at conceptual level.
In that case we have Nothing that exists outside and independently of our perceptions and understanding of the world. In this case scenario the Nothing exists and is actually Something from another world, considered at a level of a more general point of view, but comprises Nothing from our constrained point of view, and is inaccessible in the general case to our world, and only in extreme cases (that we know nothing about) can anything from the other World can break through the boundary surface and came into our Universe, and vice-verse.
If we define strictly the Nothing (as non-existence of anything) the question is how can the very Nothing exist (as a concept, for example, in our understanding of the World)? If the representation of Nothing exists in our mind, there is Something of the concept existing somewhere (at least its definition), and that Nothing automatically becomes Something. So, IMV the absolute Nothing cannot even exist by itself, owing to contradiction in the self ... let alone to be able to create Something.