@Romeo Fabulini,
Romeo Fabulini wrote:
Quote:Frank Apisa said: At least Neo attempts to bring some dignity to his efforts. You don't.
Not much "dignity" in him admitting he'd let his kids die-
"I would refuse a blood transfusion for myself or any of my dependents" (Neologist Aug 16 2006)
PS- As i've said before, my beef with other people's crackpot beliefs (Mormons, JW's. Pents,Rapts etc) is that they make Jesus and Christianity look bad, so I regard it as my duty to slap them around.
And notice it's usually THEM who throw the first punch at me, so if they want trouble they'll get it..
Some of the Jehovah's Witnesses' tenets are disturbing...but many of the tenets of other religions are every bit as disturbing.
You do a great deal more harm for Christianity (and humanity) by constantly attacking him about this "no blood transfusion" thing. It is something they feel is significant...and is no less bizarre in many people's mind than the idea that a god became incarnate...or that a god would be willing to forgive human sins, but only if you first torture and kill his son.
Obviously you can do what you want...but if I were your agent, I'd be telling to to deep-six that boxing analogies; the arrogance; and the acting the fool.
I'm a counter puncher myself...almost always allow the other guy the first punch and sometimes more than one.
But be careful of your charges, because suggesting there are others here giving Christianity a bad name...considering your conduct...simply is beyond the pale.
You do post good pictures though...and you have a good sense of humor.
But you allow yourself to get carried away.

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