@Romeo Fabulini,
Romeo Fabulini wrote:
Returning to the thread title
"How can something come out of nothing?", that could also be asked of Christianity.
I mean, why would anybody want to invent it? What on earth would have been their motive?
Until atheists can answer those two questions they'll just be dancing round and round the maypole forever..

I’m not an atheist, Romeo, but I’d love to give your questions a go.
Quote:Why would anybody want to invent it?
Gotta be honest, I do not know why Paul wanted to invent it, but he did. It must have satisfied some urge in him. Most humans seem to have a desire to build something from the ground up...and that apparently what was working on Paul.
There are, I'm sure you realize, people here in this forum trying to “invent” their own religion…so the exact “why” is not as important as the fact that people often want to invent religions. It is not that unusual.
(Ego!...which will be at the heart of my response to your second question.)
Quote:What on earth would have been their motive?
What is the motive for someone to climb Mt. Everest, Romeo? What is the motive to be the first to eat 35 hot dogs in the space of 10 minutes?
Are you saying that you would not be interested in creating something new (like a religion) that would cause you to be remembered in a positive way 2000+ years from now? Even if it would not interest you...it would easily interest an army of people...and Paul obviously was one.
Both of your questions are easily answered…and the fact that you are asking them is an indicator that YOU are dancing around a Maypole…although I doubt it will be forever.