I have never and will never hit a women
Hey, Fred. I've read your other posts, and I can't help but be reminded of one of my own relationships. It doesn't sound like you're over her, but if you really loved her, then that will never change, even if you're not dependant on her. From my own experience, wanting to apologize to her, means you really just don't want to let go. If you do apologize, a week later you'll feel like you need to apologize again, and again some time down the road, because that isn't the real problem. The real problem is you're sad that it ended, regardless of who's fault it is. And that sort of feeling just gets gets weaker with time.
Huge mistake on your part if you don't forget about this girl and stay as far away from her as you possibly can.
Fred, what did you do to hurt her?
My first girlfriend hurt me very deeply, because I had always planned on it being a permanent relationship. When I found out that she had never intended it to be, it tore me up. I was going away for a little while, and asked if she planned on dating while I was gone, and she said, yes, and probably get a boyfriend. That caught me so off guard. I thought we had both intended for our relationship to last. Is that at all how you feel?
Want to start a "No Girls" club? I call president.
Want to start a "No Girls" club? I call president.
I started a "No Girls" club in my house, but it only lasted about a week. Sometimes I'd have to lock my wife out of our bedroom, because I was doing "club stuff." And eventually she got jealous and organized an authoritative rezoning club, and jerrymandered the boundries of my club, so that our house was no longer within the acceptable limits of it's own "no girls" club. I got back at her though. You see, we had just completed an exact clone of her, in an amazing and well-kept scientific breakthrough. So in revenge I snuffed out the original in her sleep, leaving only the clone. Of course, the clone retained all the same memories up to that point, so it was only the principle of the thing which bugged her. But BOY did it bug her.
For crying out loud, Fred!!! AGAIN?!?!?! I thought we'd already covered all of this!!!
First of all, you didn't "take her virginity" unless you raped her, which you didn't. Stop that! She gave it to you.
Second, stop reading romance novels. "This girl has captured my heart, my mind, my soul and my spirit..." Come ON, Fred! Act like a grownup, willya? That isn't romance, it's obsession! Get a grip! If you can't find a grip, get a counselor!
From the sound of her message, she's as messed up as you are. SealPoet is right. Train wreck! Train wreck!
Hey, eva, want to join our "NO GIRLS" club? You sound pretty antigirl.
I am NOT!!!!!
I am all for love if it's real love. Ask anyone around here. But the relationship Fred's describing is immature and unhealthy. (And illegal, come to think of it.) And he really should have learned by now.
Leave fred alone. He doesn't deserve her crap.
'specially since freddie-boy has deleted all his posts... in this thread, and in a lot of others too..