Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea- Bush or Kerry?

Reply Mon 15 Mar, 2004 10:44 am
It is my humble suspicion that Georgie is not really in charge of his government. That behind him are a group of militarists (not professional soldiers) who hold real power but are quiescent unless there is a crises. There was a plan in the first Bush administration that in case of the death of the president and vice president in time of crises, to circumvent the constitution and place the government in the hands of a select number of non elected individuals to deal with the "emergency". This plan had several practice runs and was not a theoretical proposal. There is a book on this issue "The Rise of the Vulcans" that was reviewed in last Sunday's NYT Book Review. The Clinton administration did away with this but most of the people involved are back in power and I suspect it has been reactivated. I think we saw it in operation on 9/11 when GWB found himself shunted around the country and ultimately ended up in a bunker in Nebraska. Somebody wanted him out of the way. This IMHO is a very dangerous administration.
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Reply Mon 15 Mar, 2004 10:44 am
[quote="Scrat I don't have a lock on my front door for people like me who respect the rights of others; it's there for those who don't. Likewise, we don't need our military to protect us from nations who are happy to coexist peacefully with us, it's the others that make maintaining our military superiority critical to our continued survival as a nation.[/quote]

Do you think our military superiority was in question so we had to invade Iraq to prove it to someone? I don't. I think everybody already knew.

btw, I covered the 26th. Saw where you guys are booked in. Cool.
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Reply Mon 15 Mar, 2004 10:46 am
Phoenix32890 wrote:
I am concerned with Kerry's apparent attitude, as I perceive it, as a peacenik. I fear that the terrorists would use this as a means to gain more ground, and cause more disruption in the world, especially in the US.

Then it sounds like you know what you need to do. Cool
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Reply Mon 15 Mar, 2004 10:47 am
Scrat wrote:
Bi-Polar Bear wrote:
Can you imagine the catastrophic results of a world under the control of peaceniks? why it could mean........peace. We must avoid this at any cost.

I suspect you would find quite the opposite would be true. Imagine a Middle East where Saddam Hussein's neighbors were peaceniks. I suppose you could argue that having the entire Middle East under Saddam's control would have meant it was all at "peace", but what kind of peace?

Take a look at a book called "The Treaty Trap". Reagan used to refer to it often. It is a scholarly study of the use of treaties and agreements with other nations as the primary method of national defense. What you will find if you look at the facts (rather than "feeling" what is right :wink: ) is that of all nations who put their faith in treaties rather than maintaining a strong military and the plausible threat of retaliation to keep their neighbors at bay, NOT ONE SUCH NATION still exists. In EVERY case, these nations were wiped off the face of the planet by other nations who desired their land, their resources, their "stuff".

I don't have a lock on my front door for people like me who respect the rights of others; it's there for those who don't. Likewise, we don't need our military to protect us from nations who are happy to coexist peacefully with us, it's the others that make maintaining our military superiority critical to our continued survival as a nation.

for example ???
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Reply Mon 15 Mar, 2004 10:55 am
If you are truly that concerned, then why not, in one day, in one sweeping operation, nuke every last one of the bastards? Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, North Korea, let's shitcan Saudi Arabia while we're at it, and any pesky African nations we don't like as well.

There is absoulutely no doubt that we are capable of it.

You can bet your ass that China, Russia and Europe will take a pragmatic postition on it at least behind closed doors.

And don't say that it will just make more terroists spring up. It will be their death knoll. These particular terrorists anyway. Of course then we will be the biggest terroists in the history of mankind, but since the victors are the ones that write history, we'll put the fix on that. Toby Keith can write a couple of country songs, some Fox News babes with big boobs can tell America how good we did, and bingo!!! Peace, AND a clear conscience.

Of course, the profiteers that run this country will have destroyed a lot of their business partners but you can't make an omelet without breaking a few eggs.
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Reply Mon 15 Mar, 2004 10:58 am
Acquiunk wrote:
It is my humble suspicion that Georgie is not really in charge of his government. That behind him are a group of militarists (not professional soldiers) who hold real power but are quiescent unless there is a crises. There was a plan in the first Bush administration that in case of the death of the president and vice president in time of crises, to circumvent the constitution and place the government in the hands of a select number of non elected individuals to deal with the "emergency". This plan had several practice runs and was not a theoretical proposal. There is a book on this issue "The Rise of the Vulcans" that was reviewed in last Sunday's NYT Book Review. The Clinton administration did away with this but most of the people involved are back in power and I suspect it has been reactivated. I think we saw it in operation on 9/11 when GWB found himself shunted around the country and ultimately ended up in a bunker in Nebraska. Somebody wanted him out of the way. This IMHO is a very dangerous administration.

I suspect this is the truest thing we've heard on this thread so far......and goes to show that bush inc, as I've said many times, runs much deeper and wider then 1600 PA Ave.
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Reply Mon 15 Mar, 2004 10:59 am
Acquiunk wrote:
It is my humble suspicion that Georgie is not really in charge of his government. That behind him are a group of militarists (not professional soldiers) who hold real power but are quiescent unless there is a crises. There was a plan in the first Bush administration that in case of the death of the president and vice president in time of crises, to circumvent the constitution and place the government in the hands of a select number of non elected individuals to deal with the "emergency". This plan had several practice runs and was not a theoretical proposal. There is a book on this issue "The Rise of the Vulcans" that was reviewed in last Sunday's NYT Book Review. The Clinton administration did away with this but most of the people involved are back in power and I suspect it has been reactivated. I think we saw it in operation on 9/11 when GWB found himself shunted around the country and ultimately ended up in a bunker in Nebraska. Somebody wanted him out of the way. This IMHO is a very dangerous administration.

I suspect this is the truest thing we've heard on this thread so far......and goes to show that bush inc, as I've said many times, runs much deeper and wider then 1600 PA Ave.
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Reply Mon 15 Mar, 2004 11:02 am
Bi-Polar Bear wrote:
Scrat I think we're going to have to define peacenik here for the sake of the discussion. I believe desiring peace is an admirable trait.

That doesn't mean I don't think peaceniks ever have to go to war. It means I don't think peaceniks are so damn gung ho for it and I don't believe war defines decent people.

bush inc. are not, IMO decent people, and no amount of smoke and mirrors will change my mind.

Using your definition, I think most people are "peaceniks", including Bush and Co.. As was true of Bush 39 and Clinton, Bush 41 is using our military as he thinks necessary. I may disagree with Clinton's choices, but I don't assume they were nefarious, or that he lacked decency for using the military as he did and when he did.
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Reply Mon 15 Mar, 2004 11:05 am
Scrat wrote:
Bi-Polar Bear wrote:
Scrat I think we're going to have to define peacenik here for the sake of the discussion. I believe desiring peace is an admirable trait.

That doesn't mean I don't think peaceniks ever have to go to war. It means I don't think peaceniks are so damn gung ho for it and I don't believe war defines decent people.

bush inc. are not, IMO decent people, and no amount of smoke and mirrors will change my mind.

Using your definition, I think most people are "peaceniks", including Bush and Co.. As was true of Bush 39 and Clinton, Bush 41 is using our military as he thinks necessary. I may disagree with Clinton's choices, but I don't assume they were nefarious, or that he lacked decency for using the military as he did and when he did.

Then you can't use the term derogatorily against Kerry can you?
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Reply Mon 15 Mar, 2004 11:07 am
another take on "my country right or wrong"
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Reply Mon 15 Mar, 2004 11:08 am
Bi-Polar Bear wrote:
If you are truly that concerned, then why not, in one day, in one sweeping operation, nuke every last one of the bastards? Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, North Korea, let's shitcan Saudi Arabia while we're at it, and any pesky African nations we don't like as well.

There is absoulutely no doubt that we are capable of it.

Why not, indeed? Given that we are capable of it, is it possible that the administration would prefer to bring about desired change by using the military as little as possible and killing as few people as possible? Could it be that they believe that many of these other nations will change their tune at seeing that we really mean business? (This is of course happening as we speak.)

I would submit that if Bush and Co. were really just blood-thirsty thugs they would act as you suggest, and the fact that they have not indicates that they do in fact prefer to limit the use of combat and the deaths involved in changing the face of the world for the better.

Glad to hear you found someone to cover the 26th. Keep us in mind for other dates and venues. (Fat Daddy's???) Cool
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Reply Mon 15 Mar, 2004 11:16 am
Peacenik is a phrase coined to discredit those who supported peace during the US war against Vietnamn. It was a suggestion that those who desired peace were communist sympathisers and inclined to treason. The american right denigrated the desire for peace as subversive. What has changed?
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Reply Mon 15 Mar, 2004 11:18 am
gozmo wrote:
Peacenik is a phrase coined to discredit those who supported peace during the US war against Vietnamn. It was a suggestion that those who desired peace were communist sympathisers and inclined to treason. The american right denigrated the desire for peace as subversive. What has changed?

It changed for awhile, but just recently (2000) it has made a big comeback.
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Reply Mon 15 Mar, 2004 11:20 am
Scrat wrote:
Bi-Polar Bear wrote:
If you are truly that concerned, then why not, in one day, in one sweeping operation, nuke every last one of the bastards? Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, North Korea, let's shitcan Saudi Arabia while we're at it, and any pesky African nations we don't like as well.

There is absoulutely no doubt that we are capable of it.

Why not, indeed? Given that we are capable of it, is it possible that the administration would prefer to bring about desired change by using the military as little as possible and killing as few people as possible? Could it be that they believe that many of these other nations will change their tune at seeing that we really mean business? (This is of course happening as we speak.)

I would submit that if Bush and Co. were really just blood-thirsty thugs they would act as you suggest, and the fact that they have not indicates that they do in fact prefer to limit the use of combat and the deaths involved in changing the face of the world for the better.
And I will submit to you my good friend and fellow rocker that their reasoning is much less altruistic. First rule of war, don't destroy the real estate you want to make a profit from after you kill all the people on it. This is an administration that wants to throw out the babies while keeping the bathwater. :wink:
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L R R Hood
Reply Mon 15 Mar, 2004 11:26 am
Phoenix, thank you so much for those links... it was a long, but interesting read... one that I intend to re-read after my biochem test on Wednesday Smile

I am not your kid brother, especially since I'm a woman Smile But I think its interesting that someone said something so similar!

I AM looking forward to the debates, and I hope they don't go the way this thread is going... with simple, and unecessary, nit-picks at each others' statements... instead of an actual discussion.
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Reply Mon 15 Mar, 2004 11:31 am
I thought we were discussing this in a pretty civilized fashion......do you think you're being a little too sensitive?
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Reply Mon 15 Mar, 2004 11:35 am
Phoenix, That quote you offered me was from an article called "Unmasking John Kerry." It had four inneundos in the first paragraph:
a story broke
demise of John Kerry
alleged Clintonian affair
woman half his age.

Sheeeeesh. I hope you are reading the same kind of trash about Geo. W. -- I'd like to be trained on that a while. The best thing, to my mind, is to ignore the lies and look at the positive... What do the candidates say? Nobody can spin those words better than you yourself.

This is what Kerry said he'd do about intelligence in his foreign policy statements in his first 100 days. (It is an interesting document and easy to scroll through, being in a handy outline format.):

V. Improve Intelligence Collection, Coordination & Analysis
Intelligence is the key to disrupting and dismantling terrorist organizations, and we need to improve it to fight terrorism. John Kerry will:
o Release 9/11 Information: A Kerry Administration will cooperate fully with the 9/11 Commission and provide the needed information on timely basis. Finishing this independent view is essential to national security.

o Improve Coordination: Kerry would also fix the coordination and information flow problems in the intelligence and law enforcement communities; we don't need multiple watch lists; we do need to ensure that relevant agencies have access to critical intelligence in a timely fashion.

o Reform Domestic Intelligence: As President, John Kerry will begin to fix this problem immediately by making the Director of the CIA the true Director of National Intelligence with real control of national intelligence personnel and budgets. John Kerry will also undertake and complete a national intelligence review immediately.
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cicerone imposter
Reply Mon 15 Mar, 2004 11:49 am
I agree; Kerry waffles too often, and it reminds me of Gore/Lieberman when they waffled too often, so I ended up voting for Nader. I would have voted for Bill Bradley or John McCain, but that was not to be. However, I prefer Kerry over Bush any day of the week. I don't like where Bush is taking this country and the world. We must leave something for our children. Bush has taken his religion, and imposed his beliefs in our politics. Stopping stem cell research is the dumbest thing any president can do. He now wishes to impose his belief in discrimination against homosexuals by a constitutional amendment to ban gay marriage. If you think Bush is doing a good job on security, I think you need to think through this issue more thoroughly; this world is more dangerous, because this administration's action of a pre-emptive attack on another country that posed no danger to us or anybody else has exacerbated terrorism in the world. Millions of people in the world demonstrated against the war against Iraq, but this administration opted to ignore the voice of the world. That is not good policy or politics. Most of our allies were against this war, and this administration did not listen. The UN did not authorize this war. With the change in government in Spain, they are now taking action to remove their military from Iraq. Colin Powell keeps saying we have 30 countries supporting us in Iraq, but look at how they are supporting this miserable failure of "protecting our security." Many parents and friends of dead soldiers are now demonstrating against this war. I would not want any of my children to be sacrificed for this administration's misdeeds.
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Reply Mon 15 Mar, 2004 11:51 am
I have not decided who to vote for yet,but I do have some serious concerns about Kerry.
He claims to be a proponent of National defense,but he voted AGAINST every new weapons system the military wanted
Here is the source http://www.issues2000.org/International/John_Kerry_Defense.htm

You will notice that he voted both yes AND no to the missile defense shield system.How is that?
You will see that Kerry waffled so mant times on his votes that nobody really knows what he believes.
I know that Bush isnt much better,but it strikes me as odd that everyone is claiming Kerry has principles and beliefs,when clearly by his voting record,he doesnt.
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Reply Mon 15 Mar, 2004 12:03 pm
mysteryman- Exactly- I am appalled that in a country such as this that Bush and Kerry are supposedly the "best" that we have.

Excuse me while I bang my head against the wall! Sad
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