I don't want to take Phoenix's thread onto these tangents, but
this is what you wrote.
That was one of your first posts on A2K, and when I first read that, I was rather blown-away by your up-frontness and how you put everything on the table, so to speak.
This is where I quoted you.
About Clinton, I was responding to what Scrat had said early on here about Clinton, that "[he] made no effort to put a lid on the pot or to turn down the flame. We got burned repeatedly and badly as a result."
That was an overstatement that I negated.
I tend to get to these great threads rather late, after a lot of good points have been made, making many of my responses superfluous. I end up reading more than posting, but I saw that no one responded to Scrat's exaggeration, so I did.
Real veterans understand the courage it takes our 43rd CIC to actually combat terrorism and tyranny while simultaneously promoting our American ideals and freedoms. Real veterans also understand who Kerry is because he showed us his immoral colors in Nicaragua. By the way, thankfully, his side lost and Nicaragua is now a vibrant democracy. Just as it took courage then, it takes courage now. Kerry's instincts were wrong then and are still wrong for America.
The issues in America are found amongst our public schools, our national defense, tax relief, Social Security and Medicare, healthcare, and our economy. I want you to be honest with yourself and the all the facts while you determine which of these two, the President George W. Bush, or his opponent, Sen. John Kerry, has actually accomplished and made progress on these issues.
The principals we strive to fight against in America are found amongst abortions or suicides, crime or smut, and lack of faith; read Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness. Now I ask you; are all these deaths and the misery associated with abortions or suicides necessary? Do we really need to allow for so much crime and smut and all of its pain and consequences? Do we have such little faith that we blame God for our poverty of morals? When choosing a leader to fight against these principalities, choose one well armed to take the fight to the enemy. Do you know in your heart were Sen. John Kerry stands and defends our collective morals? He and his party are aligned with the devil! They represent evil forces which are tearing apart our citizen's basic rights of Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.
I encourage you to move away from gratifications towards responsibility and provide this President, George W. Bush, with your great vote.
dennis wrote:Real veterans understand the courage it takes our 43rd CIC to actually combat terrorism and tyranny while simultaneously promoting our American ideals and freedoms. Real veterans also understand who Kerry is because he showed us his immoral colors in Nicaragua. By the way, thankfully, his side lost and Nicaragua is now a vibrant democracy. Just as it took courage then, it takes courage now. Kerry's instincts were wrong then and are still wrong for America.
The issues in America are found amongst our public schools, our national defense, tax relief, Social Security and Medicare, healthcare, and our economy. I want you to be honest with yourself and the all the facts while you determine which of these two, the President George W. Bush, or his opponent, Sen. John Kerry, has actually accomplished and made progress on these issues.
The principals we strive to fight against in America are found amongst abortions or suicides, crime or smut, and lack of faith; read Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness. Now I ask you; are all these deaths and the misery associated with abortions or suicides necessary? Do we really need to allow for so much crime and smut and all of its pain and consequences? Do we have such little faith that we blame God for our poverty of morals? When choosing a leader to fight against these principalities, choose one well armed to take the fight to the enemy. Do you know in your heart were Sen. John Kerry stands and defends our collective morals? He and his party are aligned with the devil! They represent evil forces which are tearing apart our citizen's basic rights of Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.
I encourage you to move away from gratifications towards responsibility and provide this President, George W. Bush, with your great vote.
One other thing ought to be taken into consideration:
George ADubyaOL Bush is a moron.
Vote for a moron if you want to -- that is one of the beauties of a democracy -- but if you have a choice between a moron and someone else, I think it makes more sense to vote for "someone else."
I forgot to say "WELCOME" to Dennis.
Looking forward to many spirited conversations with you.
dennis wrote:Real veterans understand the courage it takes our 43rd CIC to actually combat terrorism ...blah blah blah
No, "real veterans" understand the stupidity involved in decalring war on a nation that never attacked you. "Real veterans" question somone so willing to sacrifice US service people for corporate profits. "Real veterans" hate the idea of war. "Real veterans" also realize that belligerent macho bluster than makes the US the most hated nation in the world is not the sign of a competent president.
Welcome Dennis. ROFL. I don't think you did the case for Bush any good, but thanks for trying!
dennis wrote: Do you know in your heart were (sic) Sen. John Kerry stands and defends our collective morals?
He and his party are aligned with the devil! They represent evil forces which are tearing apart our citizen's basic rights of Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.
I encourage you to move away from gratifications towards responsibility and provide this President, George W. Bush, with your great vote.

Aligned with the
Devil??? We're all representing Evil Forces if we don't vote for Republicans?
Omigod, Dennis, look out!
It's a
black hex... on your left shoulder!

I'm not kiddin' man, I've got you in my sights.
Of course, the fct the devil gets all the cute girls has me siding with Kerry even more now!
dennis wrote: I encourage you to move away from gratifications towards responsibility and provide this President, George W. Bush, with your great vote.
This is the language..."move away from gratification to responsiblity"...that evangelical preachers use trying to convince someone to "be saved" or what ever. It has been bandied about on A2K in a in a humorous manner that GWB regards himself, or at least some of his supporters regard him, as intimate with the deity. But this is the first time I've seen someone present support for George Bush as an act of salvation. It's kind of scary because what is the reverse in this person's mind?
And so spake a member of the religious right. He forgot to add that for all those who do not vote for Bush it's fire and brimstone.
Me thinks the devil works in mysterious ways, infiltrating minds with thoughts that his god would never have.
Maybe GWB is the deciever that is supposed to come in the end of times. :wink:
Maybe GWB is mentally ill and needs meds! Maybe he just needs a good ass-kicking!
Hey, wha hoppen to the dispassionate discussion?
This is politics, after all, Phoenix.
Is it true that France, China, Iran, and Saudi Arabia have expressed support for Kerry? If so, that scares the hell out of me.
Why should that scare the hell out of you. The whole world, our enemies as well as our friends realize that Bush is a loose cannon. Bush is irrational and is like a child with a big gun who must have his way.
Quote:L.R.R.Hood- And therein, in two sentences, you have focused on the gist of my dilemma.
Why the dillemma? Can one reason with a child?