Phoenix32890 wrote:Quote:John Kerry could very possibly do a sh1ttyjob.
george bush HAS done a sh1tty job.
Now I am back to square one again. that was exactly my premise when I started this. BWAAAA!
(bangs head against wall)
So we can agree then, that bush has done a sh1tty job, and hopefully as grownups we can agree that even if Clinton did a sh1tty job (and it looks like he probably did) that does not justify or excuse bush, who at some point has to accept responsibility for what's happened on his watch.
Therefore dear Phoenix you are left with this.......
Glass half empty= You have a fifty fifty chance of Kerry making things worse.
Glass half full= You have a fifty fifty chance of Kerry making things better.
Self examination time. Are you a glass half empty or glass half full person.
What are you more afraid of, the sh1tty job you know bush has done, a given, or the sh1tty job Kerry might do, a possibility?
Fear is healthy if it pushes you to take a chance on what might be better, unhealthy if it mires you in the status quo.