izzythepush wrote:
Foofie wrote:This morning I woke to BBC news telling of the burning of the homes of 300 Moslems by Buddhists. I forgot where, since I was just waking up.
It was in Burma/Myanmar, and if you're suggesting that Israel should be subject to the same sanctions as Burma/Myanmar, I agree with you.
I was alluding to the fact that since Moslems are not safe in Burma, the world is still the same dangerous place it was in the two world wars. Meaning that with different populations suffering, at different historical times, from an intractable form of anti-Semitism, Jews that remain Jews could really benefit from a Zionist state for survival insurance. But, I understand that is not your perception. Well, another benefit of a Zionist state is that after the attempt to murder all of Europe's Jews in WWII, there are Jews that really do not want to live in a world where they have contact with non-Jews (aka, Gentiles) that consider a Zionist state expendable. You see Izzy, many Jews want to live in a world where the garbageman, policeman, mailman, construction worker, in effect, everyone is Jewish. Not just where Jews are directed into certain "Jewish" professions. Get it? Simply put, many Jews have lost their taste for interacting with a Gentile world. Not all Jews have my thick skin for Gentile (aka, the majority) thinking. That's it in a nutshell. So, I just commiserate somewhat for these Israeli Jews, that in my opinion, were given a booby prize of a small plot of land, the size of New Jersey, and are surrounded by 300 million Arabs that would like to finish Hitler's efforts (not all of course; perhaps a fair percentage?).
P.S. I forgot Iran - 70 million non-Arab Muslims that also many would like to annihilate Israel.