Fortunately, there is a way Republicans can escape falling into the trap: Publicly accept President Obama’s proposals in full, subject to the following conditions: First, there must be no staff midnight sessions drafting last-minute hidden hooks. Second, there must be no floor amendments by either party, simply an up or down vote on the deal. Third, the president must stand before the TV cameras and state that his party owns all of it, flanked by House and Senate Democratic leaders who say the same. Fourth, GOP House and Senate leaders declare that (a) as Obama won the election, but (b) the GOP opposes tax rate increases as bad economics, the GOP will step aside, without endorsing the package.
If the deal works well, Democrats will get, and deserve credit. If the deal works badly, Democrats may be blamed—though they might not, if voters continue to be as forgiving as they were in re-electing the president.
Procedurally, Republicans would vote against in the Senate, where the Democrats have the majority and thus can pass the bill without a single Republican vote, as happened with Obamacare. In the House, about 30 Republican members in GOP-safe districts can skip the session, and thus allow the Democrats to pass the bill with only their own party’s votes; the remainder of GOP members would vote against the deal.
By denying Democrats political cover, Republicans would restore the principle of accountability for policies adopted. Accountability only can be fixed if bargains and party positions are transparent enough for the voting public to see. If Republicans negotiate a deal, they will co-own it, and thus be unable to credibly criticize a bad result. Also, they will have sacrificed bedrock principles that underlie their vision of how to fix things. That will bode ill for future elections.
It is possible—even likely–that the Democrats will “game” the bargain with staff mischief, but they will do that anyway with a compromise deal. Only if there is a failure for which Democrats are blamed can Republicans reasonably expect to regain the White House and the Senate. A deal that offers the GOP crumbs and is really Obama’s plan slightly modified has no better prospect to succeed than Obama’s proposal standing alone. And the Obama plan will not succeed, unless the laws of economics have been repealed, or the vast latent motive power of the American economy, against forbidding odds, triumphs over bad policies.
A deal with a president in the driver’s seat amounts to a bungee-jump for the GOP, using a frayed political rope as lifeline. At best there is the momentary thrill of jumping off by striking a deal; but if as likely the rope breaks the GOP will feel the political pain, not the president or his party.
In sum, let the Republicans play political judo—applying one’s own leverage against an opponent’s weight and momentum, to defeat the Democratic attempt to force the GOP to compromise its core economic principles and thus insulate Democrats from accountability for their misguided economic policies.
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