@cicerone imposter,
cicerone imposter wrote:
You "people" don't know ****! Even according to the British Mandate, the Arabs were assured "civil and religious rights" in order for the Jews right of return to Palestine. That means legal protections against land seizures by the Jews.
That's not even international law, it's ethical law. But it seems Jews on this thread don't know the difference.
The Jews on this thread are "bigots, racists, and idiots." They don't know any history, including the holocaust. If they did remember, they wouldn't be treating any other group with such inhumanity.
I think you have crossed the line far over to offensive and mindless bigotry Cicerone. You shame yourself by doing this.
Like most such issues and disputes the moral lines are often very difficult to draw. Both contending parties are selective about which historical facts they emphasize, each to rationalize their own positions.
One cannot reasonably fail to sympathize with the literally hundreds of thousands of displaced European Jews at the end of WWII, most cut off from homes and property in their former countries, who defied the flabby British controls to create a new home in Palestine. I do however fault the Zionist dream of an exclusively Jewish homeland. One can't find a remedy for European intolerance for Jews in Jewish intolerance for the Moslem and Chriatian inhabitants of Palestine.
That the British were irresponsible and flabby in enforcing the terms of their promised to the Arabs and the rest of their responsibilities for the mandate is a gross understatement. It was British and French aggression that broke up the Ottoman Empire during WWI (to enlarge their colonial empires). Along the way they nurtured an Arab revolution that continues today. The conflicting promises they made tot he Arab Hashemites and monied European Zionists were utterly cynical and deceitful gestures done for their own gain.
In a more critical action relative to today's issues, Israel after the 1967 war determined to permanently control the external boundaries of the West Bank; cutting off their access to Jordan (and the rest of the world), and then went on to the systematic expropriation of the land of the Palestinians without any provision for their civil and human rights. This, in my view, is where Israel went wrong, and probably destroyed any opportunity for peace for at least 4 or 5 generations. Many other nations have done like things, and ended up adding to their own troubles.
They didn't do this because they are Jews, rather because they are human beings who, like the rest of ou are concerned first about their own welfare. Those who support Israel here include both Jews and gentiles.