Mittens is sweating like Sarah Palin in church.
Why, did eye speel it wrong
This (CNN focus group) particular group of women voters really don't seem to like Romney. It's a small sample so who knows how it will translate, but it's more marked than in other debates I watched on CNN.
Quote:Romney seems to be playing on the fear of the American voter,
winner move most every time.
Romney wants a strong America
Obama wants to level the playing field
wait... Romney flip-flopped in the SAME ******* debate
"our biggest national security threat is our debt"
"our biggest national security threat is a nuclear armed Iran"
Change the channel and see what others are saying
That's called a twofer
Both issues are equally problematic
Thank you, Obama, for pointing out that Romney invested in these same companies that ship jobs to china. I only wish he had been sharper about it and pointed out that Romney didn't just invest in those companies, he bought them and forced them to move those jobs.
Why does Obama feel it's necessary to attack Romney personally?
Can't Obama stand on his own record of success?
Obama is showing America how much of a jerk he really is.
you mean he is whipping your liar boy's ass?
finn got mighty quiet, too...
No you fool, in this debate.
No and Americans notice this
@Finn dAbuzz,
Finn dAbuzz wrote:
No you fool, in this debate.
Why dont you man up and admit that Romney didn't look his best in this debate.
Obamanomics has forced companies to make tough choices and some of these choices included layoffs, closings or moving business overseas with plans to return when Obama's failed presidency is brought to an end with the election of Romney.
With Romney's leadership in the White House you will allow this country and it's future to prosper... the choice is crystal clear.
OK well with CNN's undecided voters, Obama clearly won the debate. WAY more highs for Obama, way more lows for Romney.
(Obama's closing statement ROCKED. Needs a teleprompter my aunt fanny.)
I'll make sure that puppies never grow up and stop being cute.