@Finn dAbuzz,
Finn - I'm looking forward to your play-by-play commentary. I enjoyed the last two.
Thank you
I hope I will not let you down.
Tonights debate is on foreign policy. IIRC Mr. Romney's first foray into the field landed him the moniker "Mitt the Twit." I
do hope someone brings that up tonight.
Not at all, Romney called out Obama on his cover-up and the moderator
jumped in supporting Obama's lies. It was two against one and Romney won.
If Obama earns a point for each dead body then he did win on points. 4 to 0
The pundits having tried to convince us, prior to the first debate, that debates don't matter, are now telling us this, the third, will decide the election.
Maybe, but I doubt it.
If Obama ends up looking bad that will be a bonus, but all Romney needs to do is convince a majority of Americans that he can be trusted as Commander-in-Chief.
Considering that four years ago a majority of Americans were convinced Obama could faithfully hold that position, it doesn't seem that Romney has too hard a row to hoe.
Obama has numerous foreign policy vulnerabilities, however Romney will likely be ill served by attempting to exploit them.
Schaefer taking a stroll down memory lane with Cuba crisis.
Libya question #1 as it should be.
Romney taking the high road with the Libya question
"I...and Americans...took control..."
Ha ha
I have it on the radio right now but I'm thinking of shutting it off. It's just boring the **** out of me and taking my mind off the more important things I should be thinking about-- like fixing dinner.
@Lustig Andrei,
I'm having chicken and rice, andy.
much better than romney and libya...
Obama early attack against Romney appears petty and Romney goes large. Excellent!
Schaefer interrupts.
Obama attacks -- bet it appears petty to moderates
Romney responds: Attacking me is not an agenda. (Great)
After the election Putin will find a stiffer backbone.
Obama interrupting desperately and now comes the ennumerated talking points. Uh Uh.
Semi-good Schaeffer question to Obama on Syria
As much as Obama loved the Middle Class in the last two debates, he is going to love Israel in this one.
(Hamster says I need to wait 15 minutes - bullshit)
Romney goes large and reserved on Syria. Brilliant.
Insurgents need to be armed - Obama won't arm them.
We should be playing the leadership role
"we are playing the leadership role" Obama
Obama is reacting to what Romney is saying not the reverse.
@Lustig Andrei,
Then you must agree with me that Obama is losing early on.
Obama is uh uh uhing in response.
Obama invokes JFK
Obama BS - we are putting pressure on them to religious freedom. If this is true, our pressure is tissue thin...ask Egyptian Coptics.
America is stronger than when I came into office?
Yeah right
Just a stylistic note -- the word that keeps coming to mind as I watch Romney's reaction shots on the split screen is "reptilian." Something about the way he keeps licking his lips and blinking.
Romney: I will create jobs! I will balance the budget!
That's nice, Mitt... HOW?
@Finn dAbuzz,
Finn dAbuzz wrote:
Then you must agree with me that Obama is losing early on.
Why would I agree with you? I haven't even had a drink this evening.