Thu 27 Sep, 2012 08:40 pm
So I'm working on disappearing and I wanted some input to see how good I've done. I've got no credit, little family contact, little local friends or social connections, my FB is soon to be shut down due to "over use", I only have a cell phone/insurance bill, I've always paid cash were I live, I'm buying an out of country airline ticket in a state I wont be leaving from/currently living in with cash, and I've established out of state bank accounts/p.o. boxes for forwarding mail to. Also, everyone I know thinks I'm moving to another state, but I'm actually going to be catching a flight to another country. Now there is a chance a state warrant for my arrest may be issued, but like I said, I will be leaving from another state. My question/issue is that I will continue to use my passport and I am bringing my dog with me ( though people will think he is dead). Will I be able to fly to another country (and a flight to a farther city in said country) with little to no interjection? Ill be 2+ weeks gone before anyone realizes I'm missing (at my destination and then some). Could the government/skip tracers find me?
Who did you kill this time?