@cicerone imposter,
Years back, I recall reading a book once that said that it is impossible for another person to accurately interpret your dreams, because your dreams come from
your subconscious. Every part of your dreams is formed by
your mind, and so accurate answers to your dreams can only be found in your mind.
This of course should be completely obvious, but people rarely think about it.
The book went on further to explain how to obtain the explanation - put yourself in an alpha state (basically a state of meditation) and recall the dream, and in particular the significant people/objects in the dream, and
ask the object or person what it was trying to tell you...I tried it a couple of times, and it actually worked, with some surprising answers that made complete sense once I heard them.
Unfortunately, I don't recall which ...actually, I just went and checked my library - it's called 'Conscious Dreaming' by Robert Moss.