Quote:JTT spends enormous amounts of time and energy going after the same people and same argument after any chance of changing minds or even being heard are gone. Why would anyone do that? I am a famous supporter of lost and/or unpopular causes, but when nothing can be accomplished doing one thing I do something else, my time is to valuable to straight up waste.
You do exactly the same thing that JTT does, but you're just too blinded by your own inflated sense of self-importance to see that. You're such a Johnny-one note, your responses can be predicted in advance. And I haven't seen where anyone, except good old BillRM, takes any of your various pronouncements or conspiracy theories seriously. Your allegedly "provocative" or "unpopular opinions" are pretty much ignored, including by me, mainly because they are so lacking in substance, and so dismissive of conflicting information, and so rigidly held, they simply border on crack-pot.
So it is quite accurate to say that you too spend "enormous amounts of time and energy going after the same people and same argument after any chance of changing minds or even being heard are gone." You just like to think people are listening to you when it's obvious that they've tuned you out some time ago, other than to regard you with some degree of derision for your obliviousness to feedback.
You incessantly harp on the same few things over and over, even when it is inappropriate to the topic, equating your rather shallow and poorly thought-out criticisms of various American institutions--which boil down to little more than your saying, "They suck", regarding the justice system, the educational system, "sex laws", etc.--as well as your arrogant contempt for your fellow citizens, who you see as easily manipulated, controlled by fear, too dumb to see "the truth"--with some sort of insightful and challenging discussion when your views are nothing more than typical adolescent whining and adolescent knee-jerk rebellion against authority.
You are every bit as "anti-American" as JTT, except that you confine yourself to domestic criticisms and JTT focuses on foreign policy. You are both equally repetitive, and equally irritating in your attempts to take over the direction of threads. You are the last person who should be wondering about the motives for JTT's tactics.
And you have no right to any kind of information about JTT that JTT does not chose to give you. Your over-blown sense of entitlement is downright ludicrous. And to encourage public speculation, and gossip, about another A2K member, in a thread like this, simply reveals how mean-spirited and juvenile you are. As if anyone needed any more proof of that.