Quote:When someone throws as much hate up on a2k as JTT does not only can we talk about where it comes from but we should be talking where it comes from.
You're being a wee bit selective aren't you, hawkeye?
You seem to believe that only
one person here should be identified, scrutinized & vilified for "hate" posting.
If I was going to get into the exercise of drawing attention to hate posters (which I'd prefer not to do - it's counterproductive & offensive) I could give you quite a list of usernames to add to the list!
There are
many annoying, offensive posters here. You know that.
It's interesting that you have chosen
just one to identify & focus on.
You yourself have said
your "arguments" are so radical & threatening to the A2K "collective" that Robert has being trying to get rid if you for years!
Could that make
you some sort of extremist, crazy, "hate" poster, too?
If you don't like JTT's posts, well
don't read them! It's as simple as that.
You know, I find it interesting, given the apparent deep offense JTT's posts appear to cause here, that
no one (you included) seems to feel the need to start a thread to discuss some of the ugly (sometimes verging on off-the-planet), say nothing of often downright ignorant, posters from the
other extreme end of political spectrum.
Now why do you think suppose that is?