Thu 20 Sep, 2012 09:38 am
I don't understand. I was cleaning my nose piercing with a q-tip and peroxide and on the other side of my nose (away from the piercing) hot pink stuff came out. A lot of hot pink liquid and it burns! What in the world is that? It doesn't look like a light red.. it's literally hot pink.
The two nasal passages are connected. My guess is that some of the peroxide got into the other passage or up into the passage you were cleaning. And it did what peroxide does - hence the pink "burning" liquid coming out the other side.
But if this continues, see a Dr.
Hello Friends,
It's a cyst probably. Unless puss is coming out of the hole itself along with blood along with redness and pain, it is not infected.Peroxide are common with piercings. Just let it be, and when it pops don't let the stuff that comes out get anywhere.See you health care provider and they also provide you a better suggestion.
Thanks and Regards
Lucy James
it could be blood. mixed with peroxide. go see a doctor soon