Best Dates/Worst Dates

Reply Sun 29 Feb, 2004 12:09 am
Worst date - A musician friend of a friend(highly recommended) asked me out to a movie and dinner. We'd known each other for a brief while and he was hot! We got to the theatre late, he didn't want to see the movie we'd agreed on, because he's missed some of the credits. Because I'm 'irish', he decided we'd go to Micheal Collins. Now while I found the movie very interesting, he was bored silly.
At dinner he was morose, damn near comotose. I tried making light conversation. He told me I bore him, mumbles something and storms off. and doesn't come back... So I pay the bill and leave.
I called a cab, just as it arrives he comes running out of the restaurant. He appologizes profusely, offers me a drink and begs me to stay.
He's sorry for what happened at dinner, would I mind staying,. I reluctantly say sure. From that moment on, he proceeded to tell me everything wrongs with my life, my friends, my family. After one short drink I left. Made some excuse and said I had to leave.
later that night....at 3:00 am, the phone rings...
It's him, he's depressed and feels horrible and wants to make it up. He's written me a poem.
It's about death, a darkness, doom and gloom, despair and pain and oh my god it's 3:00 am, are you f****g crazy. Don't ever call me again. Don't ever say my name, burn my number, do I need to repeat myself?

Best date. An ex rented out a party boat, just me and him, in the middle of okanagan lake, from sunset to sunup, floating, listening to music, dining and other unmentionables under the stars, soaking in the hot tub. It was delicious.
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Reply Sun 29 Feb, 2004 01:22 am
Wow, Ceili, both of those were really great stories.

Okay, here's one of mine. I don't know about worst or best, but it is definitely the weirdest.

It was a first date. She liked football, so we went to see some college game in New Jersey. The game started early, so we caught the bus to New jersey at about 11:00 AM. We get on the bus, and I say something that must have pissed her off, because she sits there not talking the whole ride over.

After that blows over, we tailgate and hang out in the parking lot, and it starts seeming like we like each other. Nothing interesting really happens during the game, but after, we are trying to find our way back to where we are supposed to catch the bus back to NYC. I start to walk ahead of her, as I think I see the path that we need to take. She gets mad at me for walking too far ahead of her. We argue on the bus ride home.

For some reason, we decide to go for a drink after. While we are in the bar, I am telling her about this obscure song that I love, called "She's The One" which is a cheesy but great love song, that I NEVER hear anywhere. Five minutes later, to my great shock, that song comes on the jukebox. I'm stunned, and thinking this must be a sign or something. We start to get close and cuddly.

When we leave the bar, the city is covered in snow, but it's not too cold. One of those magical Manhattan nights. We get a carriage ride through the city, and get all cuddly and close again. I go back to her apartment and we end up fooling around all night on the couch.

It was crazy! I felt like I had a whole relationship, broke up, and got together again all in one night. And it was pretty much the same way everytime we went out.
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Reply Sun 29 Feb, 2004 02:59 am
And what about tonight's date? How did that one go? (Enquiring minds gotta know! Very Happy)
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Reply Sun 29 Feb, 2004 03:28 am
Great stories so far.

My worst
My female cousin and I were about 14 at the time. This guy she met at school asked my cousin out on a date, but she was nervous and told him she would if I could go along. When my cousin asked me to go, I told her there was no way I was going to play third wheel on her date, so the guy told my cousin that he could take his best friend along and we could double date. Again, I said no way am I going on a blind date. Well, my cousin begged me to no end until I agreed. We all met and as soon as I met my blind date, I knew it was going to be a very long night. The guy was so nervous he was shaking. He didn't say 2 words to me all night and I told my cousin never ever to think about doing this to me again, lol!

Best date
I was 17 and went to a party with my cousin. I knew only a few people there and was pretty bored. The party was in someones back yard and at one point my cousin pointed to this guy who was the hottest babe I've ever seen. A few girls that were standing with us said he was untouchable and very picky about who he went out with. By looking at him, I would imagine he could get anyone he wanted. Anyway, I was getting bored, so I decided yo walk around to see if I could find anyone that I knew. I stopped at one point and realized that I didn't know anyone, then I hear someone say "you look lost" and when I turned around to see who it was, I almost died to see this gorgeous creature smiling at me. I actually turned around to see if he was talking to someone else, but I was the only one there. We talked for a long time and we decided to go for a drive. He had a 4 wheel drive truck and since he was a wilderness lover, he took me up to the top of prospect hill in waltham in the middle of the woods and I was in awe with the view. You could see all the way to Boston from there and it was amazing. He then opened the tailgate of his truck, layed out a blanket in the back of the truck, put in a cassette of Bob Seger, and we layed there all night talking, kissing and looking at the stars. He was so respectful of me and didn't even try to get anywhere with me. We were boyfriend and girlfriend from that night on. About 6 months later he gave me a ring and asked me to marry him. We were together for a little over 2 years, but then broke up when we realized that the only thing we had in common was that we loved eachother. I called him a few months back and we talked for hours about old times.

Those were the days (sigh)
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Reply Sun 29 Feb, 2004 04:37 am
If I ever have a good date, I'll let you know.
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Reply Sun 29 Feb, 2004 04:39 am
My worst date was with someone I met on the internet. I was expecting this totally hot chick, and it turned out to be Slappy in drag.
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Reply Sun 29 Feb, 2004 04:41 am
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Reply Sun 29 Feb, 2004 05:20 am
Hahaha Cav.

You mean to tell me that a babe like you never had a good date??? I find that hard to believe.
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Reply Sun 29 Feb, 2004 08:12 am
...then I hear someone say "you look lost" and when I turned around to see who it was, I almost died to see this gorgeous creature smiling at me. I actually turned around to see if he was talking to someone else, but I was the only one there.

Montana, that has got to be one of the funniest damn things I've read on this site. Talk about the personification of self-deprecating humor.

You go, girl.
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Reply Sun 29 Feb, 2004 09:24 am
Damn, Montana, that best date story was so cute!

Caprice, last night's date was good. Not great, but good. I've been seeing her for a couple months, and I always have a good time with her. I'm not falling in love, but she's really intelligent, sexy, and sophisticated, which totally turns me on. We just went for a bite to eat, then a couple drinks. I'd give it a "7"on a scale of 1 to 10.
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Reply Sun 29 Feb, 2004 09:41 am
kickycan, as long as there are no weapons under her pillow or in the closet, I'd give it a second go. I also think that Wilso must have had some evenings that were a pleasure. Not all dates need to lead to relationships...fess up Wilso, there must have been some magical nights. Sad
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Reply Sun 29 Feb, 2004 09:55 am
Cav, I am giving it a go. I've been seeing her for a couple months now.
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Reply Sun 29 Feb, 2004 10:16 am
Oh, here's another bad date story.

This was a first date. When I get to her house, the first thing she says is "look what I have." and shows me the bag of pot in her purse. I hadn't smoked pot in a while, but I thought it would be fun for later.

So we go out, and I must have been nervous or something, because I had five drinks in about an hour. Then we decide to go smoke the pot. After we smoke the pot, we start driving around, and after a little while she says she has to pee, so she wants to stop somewhere. We go to a Perkins restaurant, but I am all paranoid from the pot, so I tell her to just run in and I'll wait in the parking lot for her. So I turn off my headlights and wait. She comes back, and I pull out of the parking lot. I am completely drunk and stoned beyond belief at this point.

A few minutes later a cop pulls me over, and comes up to the window. "Do you know why I pulled you over, sir?" I had no idea. I wasn't speeding or anything. So he says, "you're driving around without your headlights on". Oh ****, I had forgotten to turn them back on after she went to pee! And then I hear the dreaded words, "Would you please step out of the car, sir?"

He makes me say the alphabet . . . backwards! And I don't know if it's the pot or the booze, or the combination of both, but somehow I actually did it, which was amazing, considering the only thought in my mind at the time was "please god let me be able to do this, please god let me be able to do this".

Then it's time for the walking heel-to-toe test. While he's explaining what he wants me to do, I'm still thinking "please god let me be able to do this" over and over. I do it okay, but right at the end I stumble a little bit. I try to cover it by putting out my hand like I'm going to shake his hand and thank him for his time or something. Unbelievably, he actually does shake my hand, and lets me go!

I get back to the car, and the girl is laughing! I had just been through hell, and she's yukking it up like it was nothing! Needless to say, I took her home and never talked to her again.
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Joe Nation
Reply Sun 29 Feb, 2004 12:37 pm
It was Thanksgiving 1986. A friend of mine and I throw an orphan's party at her house in Broken Arrow for all of the singles in the Tulsa Bicycle Club. Louise shows up for the short ride I'm leading around the neighborhood before we all settle in for chilli, chips and margaritas. I've seen Louise before, she's one of the hard riders, one of the ones who ride the Moonlight Centurys, that's a once a month ride of a hundred miles to Muskogee and back by the light of the full moon. Yeah, that's right, in the middle of the night, but Louise doesn't look like the other whippet-types who ride hard. She's broad-beamed, she's a broad-beamed broad and she doesn't ride one of those little whippy road bikes either. She rides a Trek Portage. The kind of bike you put panniers on and go packed up. It's as if you were in a Formula One race driving a Ford 150 pickup and you stay up with the leaders the whole way. Tough. Tough rider.
So it rained like all get out on my little fifteen mile jaunt and we all were soaked and laughing it up all through the second round of margaritas which is when I asked Louise if she wanted to help me mark the 50 mile ride for Saturday. That meant getting up early and spending most of the day together. That's sort of a date, isn't it?
Well, no it isn't. If you've never marked a bike ride it kind of goes like this:A couple of people in a car with about twenty cans of spray paint and a homemade map. At each turn of the ride you make a couple of arrows showing that the ride will go left or right and then after the turn you make a confirming arrow showing the riders they've gone the right way. For a fifty mile ride that takes a lot of turns that takes a lot of arrows, a lot of stopping and going and jogging across highways to mark the comeback route at the same time and you've got to keep track (sort of ) of the mileage so that you know that the fifty mile is really a fifty (the record for bad mileage keeping is held by the Bartlesville Century which measured 119 miles -they forgot to add the miles through the park at the end of ride Twisted Evil Rolling Eyes) I digress.
So we spent the day together. Talking, looking at my map (a work of art) and wiping orange paint off our hands. Then I said "Hey, Richard is supposed to be having a cookout tonight? Want to go?" and she said "Sure." (Now Richard was kind of a dweeb, a nice guy but a dweeb, the kind of married man who was always hanging around the really young women riders with a sort of panting sound in his voice. And the cookout was way out in the boondocks but hey, more free food.....)
We get to Richard's just about at dusk having gone to respective homes, showered, changed and met back up. It's very nice. A big fire, hay bales set out in semi-circle, soft-drinks (Richard didn't drink) on ice and um .........
nobody else there but me, Louise and Richard.

We had a soda each and waited. We told Richard about marking the fifty. He said um. We waited some more. Now this is the official date part isn't it?. Social gathering, public place, arriving together, yeah, this is a date and it's so sad and terrible I can't believe it. Louise asked Richard if he was going to ride the fifty tomorrow. He said no. More time passed. We thought we heard a car in the driveway, but it was just someone lost turning around. The fire died down. It was cold on the haybales. Overhead some clouds scudded past the moon. "Well", I said, to Louise, "it's been a long day for us, hasn't it?" She nodded eagerly and we headed for the car.
On the way back I took this little shortcut road between some hillsides and stopped the car and we got out and looked at the nightsky for awhile.
I recited a poem, one of mine, now lost to history, something about clouds scudding past the moon. Louise smiled, bright as moonlit cloud.
It was a tough winter that winter of 86-87. Lots of cold and not much riding, I rode out to see the eagles at Keystone Dam a couple of times but I didn't see Louise and I didn't call her. That's mostly because I thought, well, I didn't think, I felt, yes, that's the trouble with being a writer, the damn fools who are writers are always feeling instead of thinking, and I felt like I didn't feel things had gone all the well.
So I was lucky when about mid-February the phone rang and it was Louise inviting to her house for dinner. I didn't think about it. I went.

Yesterday, I took Louise out to the Chelsea Bistro to celebrate our sixteenth year of marriage.

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Reply Sun 29 Feb, 2004 01:41 pm
Now that is a nice story, Joe. A bad date with a happy ending. I loved it. Nice writing too, by the way.
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Reply Sun 29 Feb, 2004 04:02 pm

Maybe you'll end up falling in love ;-)

What a great story :-D
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Reply Sun 29 Feb, 2004 05:09 pm
Wow! Joe, I thought I was in love before, but ... that was lovely. Not a good date, but a great outcome. <sigh>
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Reply Sun 29 Feb, 2004 05:40 pm
Great story Joe...I got goosebumps at the end.
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Reply Sun 29 Feb, 2004 09:55 pm
Thanks, Joe, great story. Thank Louise for me too! Very Happy
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Reply Mon 1 Mar, 2004 12:04 am
Congratulations on the anniversary, Joe. I regret not meeting Louise when you were here.

Montana, Montana, Montana...(BIG sigh)...reading your best date story brought back a once-in-a-lifetime memory for me. Perhaps I will have time to write something down tomorrow. It is midnight, and I don't think clearly enough to write well this time of night.
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