I could list them if I had the time and inclination. There are a large number and they are interwoven with a fiendish complexity in order to maintain the aristocracy of the US in the manner sanctioned by history without anybody hardly noticing due to the affectations of jeans, open-necked shirts, (not shorts--I don't think those are considered necessary yet), buying a hamburger for the cameras, and "talking ordinary like". Quite unlike George Washington.
I dare say that the first bite of the digger into the virgin soil of a future iron ore mine has already accumulated a sufficient amount of tax to fund a lavish dinner.
Why do people think that Mr Romney is being economical with the truth when he's on TV and then suddenly honest when talking to the money men?
Bismark is supposed to have said that "politics is like sausages--you don't want to know how it's done."
Gushing tantrums are the mark of political naivete.