Wed 11 Dec, 2002 09:53 pm
Once the 'first responders' are vaccinated, the general public will probably be able to get smallpox vaccinations. Would you get one despite the side effects they are talking about?
I had one when I was a child (it was standard procedure and required to start school then) which, as I understand it, would give me minimal protection now. At my age, I don't know that it's worth chancing the side effects. Don't know what I'd do if my kids were small and I had to decide for them.
Absolutely not. I'm one of those for whom the vaccine could be very dangerous, so I wouldn't risk getting one unless I'd already been exposed and it was my only choice.
This link will take you to a page on the CDC's website which tells you who SHOULD'T get the vaccine...If you haven't read it before, it may surprise you:
Here's the link to the CDC's website on Smallpox:
I've read the pros and cons before, I still don't know. But, with my track record, I wouldn't end up doing it.
I would really like to know why it is that we never knew these things back when everyone HAD to get the vaccination. Was it just lack of publicity? Did they try to keep it from us? Did we not care? Or are we just over-reacting now?
If you're brave enough to venture into the CDC's website on Smallpox (second link) you'll find out that they knew about these reactions even when you were a child. They have pictures of people (adults and children) who had severe reactions to the vaccine and they mention that some of those in the pictures died.
Did you see in the first link that anyone who has ever had eczema or atopic dermatitis - even if it was mild or they only had it as a child - are at the top of the list of those who should not be vaccinated? How many children do you know of who've had a case of eczema? I've worked around a lot of kids, and it's a very common condition. The pictures show what happens if these people are vaccinated, and it's bad.
A little bit of all those things, I'd guess.
And, NO, I don't think we're over-reacting, now. From what I've heard the "experts" say, people used to just accept the risks of vaccines such as these, maybe because they just thought that's how things were supposed to be.
And maybe also because there was a real risk of contracting the disease itself back then and the risks were worth the chance.
Very possibly. The regular doctors and pediatricians now are strongly recommending that those of us in the "regular population" be vaccinated only if we or someone around us has been exposed to the virus. There is quite a window of time between being exposed and actually coming down with Smallpox, and if you are vaccinated within a few days of exposure, you will probably be protected or at the very least only come down with a mild case of the disease.
Thing is, I don't remember ever hearing of anyone having to get a 'booster shot' for smallpox years ago. They just now decided that those of us who were vaccinated as kids might not still be immune, but they're not sure.
It is kind of scary that they were giving out all these things years ago and not really telling anybody what might happen.
I would get it. Glad it's to be a matter of choice though, and very glad it is going to be available if needed.
I would only get it if I was exposed. Very scary stuff.
I had my shot as a child and also if my memory serves me again before I went oversees. Now if I could get a shot to correct all my other ailments would be in great shape.
No, I would not bother.
Hi, au1929...Welcome to A2K! It's good to see you here.
Nope do not need one I have natural immunity. Last time I was vacinated was in 1970 before leaving for Japan and once again it did not take. I have been vacinated over the years several times and I hardly get a red spot and no scar at all. The doctors have always told me some people do have immunity with out the vacination.
Bandy, you do have to have boosters. It is a long time inbetween. Joanne, when it does take, if I remember correctly, they have to keep trying more often.
I am pretty sure that no one would still be "automatically" covered because it has been so long since it happened.
I don't think so much about myself as my wife and children. I am pretty close to one the the top hot spots; but, I still feel it is pretty remote and would be even more remote if we didn't have a bunch of nuts stirring the fire.
I assure you that if the same amount of money were spent to prevent war as is being spent for the war, everyone in the world would love us and would never think of harming us. Same ideology as prison, it costs $50,000 a year to keep someone in prison; but there is nary a dime spent to keep them out of prison. So ask me, what is wrong with this picture?
I got the vaccine as a kid. I am sure that it is long gone. At this point I am taking a "wait and see" attitude. I don't think that I would expose myself now to the risk of the vaccine, unless there were a huge attack, and smallpox was breaking out all over.
"Remember the Swine Flu Brouhaha!"