Quote:In effect, Netanyahu was saying at the Jerusalem media conference that if Washington was not prepared to do the job, it could not stand in Israel's way. To which a sceptical Obama might reasonably have asked: ''Yeah? You and whose army?''
Israel is capable of doing it on their own.
Quote:There is great disagreement in Israeli military and intelligence circles, among senior officers and their predecessors, on the wisdom and timing of any unilateral Israeli strike on Iran's widely dispersed and, in some cases, deeply bunkered nuclear installations.
Not all that deep. Iran seems incapable of building a proper bunker.
Quote:But Americans apparently are not enamoured of the idea of fighting Israel's war. In a poll released on Monday by the Chicago Council on Global Affairs, 70 per cent of American respondents opposed a unilateral US military campaign against Iran and 59 per cent said Israel should be left to its own devices if it were to bomb Iran and then to call for American help.
It's not "Israel's war".
Iranian nukes would be bad news for the entire world, including the US.
Quote:Anxiety about Iran's nuclear program focuses almost entirely on the power that Tehran might derive - and abuse - from having a nuclear arsenal. But if the debate is viewed in the context of the power Israel wields with a nuclear arsenal that reportedly numbers 200 or more warheads, the equation is upended.
Not really. Iran will be much more troublesome if they are allowed to develop nukes. They are not comparable to a responsible democracy like Israel.
Quote:This question is being examined with increasing seriousness in Foreign Affairs and other such journals. Collectively, these papers were pushed to the front of the debate this week when Bill Keller, a former executive editor of The New York Times, wrote of them as the work of ''serious, thoughtful people who are willing to contemplate a nuclear Iran, kept in check by the time-tested assurance of retaliatory destruction''.
If it is OK for nations to violate the NPT so long as there is a nuclear deterrent, then I guess it is also OK for us to also ignore the NPT, and supply Israel with advanced nuclear weapons designs so they have such a deterrent?
We should also back out of our arms reduction treaties and resume nuclear weapons testing I suppose.
Or was the left envisioning some scenario where we allow the bad guys to break the law and build up nuclear arsenals while we continue to comply with the NPT and draw down our arsenal???
If so, that isn't going to happen, no matter how much the left dreams about it.
Quote:In the same journal, Frank Procida, a national intelligence fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations, dismisses oft-stated fears that a nuclear-armed Iran would spark a regional nuclear arms race - ''a Persian bomb should not be any more significant to [other countries in the region] than a Jewish one''.
No arms race???
If Iran is allowed to flagrantly violate the NPT and develop nuclear weapons with no one acting to stop them, then any other nation who desires the same will also be allowed to develop nukes.
Quote:Despite the Iranian leadership's hyperbole on the fate of Israel, Procida concludes Iran's past actions and public comments by its clerical leadership suggest it would not risk the devastation of nuclear retaliation by the US and/or Israel.
Yet if the US turned its back on nuclear disarmament in order to ensure that both we and Israel have a sound retaliatory capability, this same guy would be having a major meltdown.